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Forums Forums Mediums Can anyone elaborate in the difference between psychic energy and spiritual energy pls?

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    I can feel they are different but I cannot put it into words. Would be of great help if anyone could, very much appreciated :))

  • Can anyone elaborate in the difference between psychic energy and spiritual energy pls?

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • SpiritedPlaces

    November 9, 2021 at 12:54 am

    Are you asking about the energy of spirits, like souls of deceased humans or spirit guides vs. information you receive through the clairsenses or like energy healing like reiki? Can you elaborate on your definitions of psychic/spiritual energy?

  • RicottaPuffs

    November 9, 2021 at 12:54 am

    i perceive psychic energy as the energy within me. I am the psychic.

    Spirit energy is the energy that comes from and belongs to external spirits. They are not me.

  • enolaholmes23

    November 9, 2021 at 12:54 am

    For me spirits literally feel like they’re above me when I sense them, whereas other people’s energy tends to come at me from the side or the front.

  • arlenemills_medium

    November 9, 2021 at 12:54 am

    I have a blog on this, if you want.. but essentially the soul of you reads the soul in spirit for mediumship. Then the soul of you reads the person in front of you and that is psychic. The two feelings are very different. Think about sending your energy to the soul in spirit vs. The person in front of you…. You can certainly tell the difference but the best way in training is having the sitter say a clear NO if something is incorrect.. why is that because you need clear instructions if the information so that you clearly no.. the sitter makes all the difference in your training.. do not allow them to give you a “kinda” “maybe” as that will confuse the feel and then the mind because to jump in and assume… its long learning process.. does not happen over night.. i can send a blog if you want to help… cheers

  • kathy8675309

    November 9, 2021 at 12:54 am

    Psychic energy for me is more calm and serene, and positive, but it is coming from within, like it is being channeled, but spirit energy is external and more cold for me, and I have my guard up, because I don’t know if it is a good spirit or a bad one?

  • AnAnonymousHelp

    November 9, 2021 at 12:54 am

    Perhaps one difference that people might feel is that when doing psychic work in the presence of guides, their energy flows through them, so they feel a different energy vibration because it’s not coming from them. And then, when helping a spirit without the presence of guides, you’re using your own energy. But that’s just speculation as I don’t know. What I do know is that everything is energy in different vibrations.

  • AbyssDomme

    November 9, 2021 at 12:54 am

    Spirit-energy is aspected towards whoever the spirit or God is. Think of it like a flavor, the flavor changes based on which spirit you are channeling. Energy is also not universal. It is also aspected, more in the sense of like it’s influenced by what it’s interacting through. Plant/earth/life energy feels differently by then with say volcanic/fire/heat energy. Solar energy feels different from Lunar energy. So essentially yes there are differences but way more nuanced than your two categories of spirit vs energy-healing. “Psychic energy” isn’t really a thing, *psychic* is the ***”how”*** not the **”what”**.

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