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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Can anyone explain witch ladders?

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    I’ve seen pictures, but I’ve never understood their purpose, nor have I found someone who can explain their purpose, but I really want to make one! I have feathers, crystals, some rocks, twine, is this all I need? Have you made them before, and if so, how do I do it? Thank you for any answers, have a great day!

  • Can anyone explain witch ladders?

  • poetic_faery

    February 16, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    I haven’t specifically made a witch’s ladder before, but I do actively practice knot magic. So a witch’s ladder is simply a physical representation of a spell, much like a spell jar would be. You put an intention behind whatever you choose to put into your spell. A few examples could be that you knot the feather in as a representation of your dedication to air magic or you knot a black tourmaline crystal as a sign of protection. Your spell is whatever you want it to be. And the amount of knots/charms is based on what you feel is right. I hope that helps. 🙂

  • basementmagus

    February 16, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    The Witches Ladder is a versatile method of spell-casting, and can be used a variety of ways, but the standard tends to be a certain number of knots that make up the spell, often today coupled with a rhyme or incantation for each knot. Undoing the knot in this sort of operative magic thus ends the effects of the magic.

    To this end, one can use the Ladder as a means to do either Beneficia or Maleficia, Blessings or Banes, and a particularly inventive witch could create a whole rhyme with each line for a knot, with seven, nine, or thirteen lines likely being potent.

    Another use of it is as a vehicle for journeying in a shamanic context, as one historical artifact identified as a witches ladder is theorized to be used for soul flight, found with a chair and several brooms and pitchforks, implements that are associated with flying witches for a reason. This sort of Transvection device, hung from the ceiling in view of the witch, may serve as a focal point representing a “Ladder” to reach the roof or sky, a sort of temporary axis mundi half-remembered by the time of the early modern period.

    As I’ve used it as a Transvection Device to Journey, I have one hanging over top of my altar, each knot and feather a line of a rhyme to work myself into trance. Eventually, I plan to carve a riding stick to compliment the Ladder, linking them via a sigil and blood.

  • FlowersAndGhouls

    February 16, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    Does it need to have a specific purpose? I don’t see why you couldn’t assign your own purpose and intent to it.

  • ayo_Bella

    February 16, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    for success, hence the saying “climbing the ladder”

  • CowsEyes

    February 16, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    I use my ladder a bit like a rosary…I say my prayers to my deities. Saying a prayer at each different knot…with the intent that I imbued each knot powering each prayer.

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