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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing can asmr be considered meditation?

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  • #560890 Reply

    hello all!! i struggle a lot with meditating because i get intrusive thoughts that cause me a lot of distress. if i’m not distracting myself with something, i get VERY bad thoughts and it gives me anxiety. (and don’t worry, i’m getting help!! but nothing so far is making the thoughts go away 🙁 )

    that’s why i wanted to know if technically asmr could be meditation? if i watch something or am distracted, the thoughts happen less. i usually watch asmr to calm down or destress after the day, so could this be a way to ground myself instead of just sitting in silence? could i even meditate while listening to asmr? just wanted to get some opinions from people who know more about it than i do!!

    thanks in advance 💕

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