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Forums Forums Psychic Can I develop this Skill?

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    Hoping this is a good sub to post this!

    When I was really young, I remember having a friend of mine get put in the foster care system. The day that I learned this, I recall very vividly looking out at her house while on my bike and thinking “What if that is me one day?”. About 3 years later, I was put in the foster care system. I have thought about that moment ever since it happened. On a side note, I was described as being “empathic” when i was put up for adoption with my 3 other siblings.

    Fast forward many years and I am looking at this man while visiting my friend and her SO. Keep in mind that during this time I was in a state of complete depression and had no desire for a relationship with anyone. This guy looked at me, and I instantly had this feeling that we were going to be together. I “felt” how the relationship could be fruitful, but that it would be the most transforming relationship ever.

    I ended up moving to Portland, Oregon about a month later. This is my hometown and the place I was put in the foster care system. I was there for about 3 months. Then…COVID19 hit. I ended up moving back to Pennsylvania. This whole time, I am occasionally checking this guys social media accounts and just thinking about the possibility of talking to him again.

    When I got back to PA, I was actually in a very short term relationship with someone else because I figured that the thoughts I was having about this guy might be just insane “thoughts”. But then, my intuition told me to end the current relationship. About a week passes and I am just spending time with my sister in another town. My friend invites me over to hang out and guess who comes over? That guy. Not that this should be surprising because she is directly dating this guys friend.

    After a few days of witnessing him in this group setting, I decided to ask him for his snap. I do NOT ask for snap. The next day we went on a drive together…and the rest is history. We have been dating since then, and I CONSTANTLY tell him how unbelievable it is that I had that strong feeling in me. This has truly been the most transformative year of my life. Nothing has ever lined up more and made more sense.

    Because the images and foretelling in my mind are so strong, is there a way to harness this? Is it something I can expand on? Is this just intuition? There have been several other smaller situations like that happen. These are just the ones that have boggled me for awhile.

    Thank you!

  • Can I develop this Skill?

     Madelyn updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • yxzyxx

    November 15, 2021 at 10:16 am

    Yes I believe it is signs of having a strong intuition. Technically, almost everybody has some sort of intuition, but most are not aware of it so it goes unnoticed. The fact that you typed this out, means you’re already aware of it. Just meditate to strengthen your ability to hear it.

  • theseekingcycle

    November 15, 2021 at 10:16 am

    Skills are like muscles: with exercise they grow.

  • BearFuzanglong

    November 15, 2021 at 10:16 am

    Yes, listen to and trust your intuition.

    Realize that there are three types of thoughts:

    1. Intrusive
    2. Egoic
    3. Intuitive/higher

    The only trouble is sorting them.

  • VanxssaSkye

    November 15, 2021 at 10:16 am

    I actually had a very similar experience when I was about 14! I used to go to counselling every Monday afternoon, and I always used to get there a few minutes before my appointment so the receptionists all knew me very well, and I remember walking in one time and singing in and sitting down and seeing this guy sat across from me with his dad, and I remember having this thought that was almost like a daydream that sort of went “imagine if me and this guy ended up getting together” and then I had this daydream of me and him being together in a relationship, holding hands and laughing etc, and then he got called in by his therapist and that was it, I’d never see him again because I had no clue who he was or if I was to look for him no idea where to even start, but surprise surprise just a couple of days later I check my Facebook and I had a friend request from him and soon after he asked me out on a date! Then we were together for pretty much two years! And sure while we did not end up together I do think our relationship was a huge part and path of my life which shaped me as a person and my life in a lot of ways and I do think that being with him back then was simply what had to happen. I do genuinely believe we were each other’s soul contracts – where you meet in life for a reason, for example a lesson, and then once that is fulfilled you move on. Really strange experience having a random thought / vision actually happen!

  • NahSense

    November 15, 2021 at 10:16 am

    >Because the images and foretelling in my mind are so strong, is there a way to harness this? Is it something I can expand on? Is this just intuition?

    It *is* intuition and yes *you can* expand on this through organized practice. There are many good ways develop your abilities. Personally, I like controlled remote viewing for that practice, even for someone who has experienced like you. One of the best things about remote viewing as there are straight forward and free manuals.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 15, 2021 at 10:16 am

    As it is, you receive these insights for free. You could probably gain more, but there are costs. What would make all this worthwhile?

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