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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Can leaving offerings to the Fae be dangerous?

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    So today I watched this short documentary about a local witch who helps families, and in the documentary there’s this short scene where she explains that if you find a place totally covered in ivies, you can throw a coin or mineral in there and wish for something, and the fairies will help with it. I have never heard of this tradition before, and I’m not sure what folklore it comes from, so I’d like to do some research before trying it, and I have two main questions: does anyone know what culture/myth this comes from, and could it potentially be dangerous to try it without protection?

  • Can leaving offerings to the Fae be dangerous?

  • LyraXoxox

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    Interesting concept I have never heard of it either and all I can offer is that the Fae are seen by many as tricksters and so it’s important to both be respectful and cautious when dealing with the fae! I would start by researching the documentary and the cultural background of that witch/documentary or general geographic area if it gives an area.

  • neon_llama

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    If you don’t have experience with the fae, I’d err on the side of caution and not, at least until you do some research or reflection on how you’d invite them to be involved. I was wondering what the documentary is called? I’d also like to watch!

  • Nsfwitchy

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    So I actually spend a considerable amount of time with the fae and would often work very closely with them – and I fully second the other commenters. You’re gonna wanna look into a lot of old fairy folklore before working with them, because they DO have some very strict and rather strange customs, traditions and mannerisms.
    However, I personally don’t think giving an offering will hurt much – so long as you do your research. I would never recommend somebody work hard core closely with the fae unless they’re prepared for that kind of mischievous, trickster energy and the fact that they generally come from a VERY different culture than humans do – often with looser morals and more grey area thinking than we use. But I’ve met many witches who just give the fae offerings “to keep them at bay” or keep them from starting trouble lol.

  • challsExhumed

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    Giving a gift and asking for a reciprocal boon, is generally quite safe, you begin the transaction with your offering, and so long as you don’t make any statement of gratuitous thanks or expressing your feeling of debt to them, in general the Fae will continue on their merry ways. The reverse tends to be where people find problems, when people ask for something they have not been paid for then you’ve created a debt, and a debt to the fae can be dangerous. My gran used to give us a handful of ‘fairy dust’ (what I’m assuming was crushed mica) and some coins to toss into a fairy ring or a nice big bramble; but there were always a handful of rules, don’t ask for too much, be humble, and don’t expect anything more than what you asked for, because what you say is what you get with Fae and if you seem ungrateful, you will have some problems. Ivy never was what we went with when we made the attempt to work with them, but I wouldn’t say it’s a bad option, just a bit outside of my family’s tradition, and if you stay respectful and modest about your asks, I’d think you’re fine and clear.

    Edit:some words missing

  • mpress17

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    Personally…I don’t mess with the Fae. If you want to leave tokens away from your home, that’s one thing, but read up on fae circles, and I wouldn’t make your home inviting to them.

  • Hemp_Flower

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    I leave the Fair Folk little offerings every now and then by the thornbushes in my yard. If you want do anything, make sure to look into all the old lore first because something as simple as overtly thanking one of the Fair Folk can potentially have dire unforeseen circumstances.

  • Tarotgirl_5392

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    The trap I see a lot of people fall onto is believing the fae are like “Pets” or that they are servants to witches.
    They are not, and would find the idea very offensive.

    It’s not really give a gift and make a wish. It’s really more of a bribe. Never take without giving. Never question what is received and always pay equal to what you ask.

  • Lilith-Blakstone

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    I have been leaving offerings to fairies for over 15 years. Homemade baked sweets and a few drops of wine are my usual gifts.

    I have never had issues with fairies.

    Sure, I sometimes have bad luck, lose things in the house, and get sick. But those are, in my 40+ years of witchcraft experience, things that happen to everyone regardless of their relationships with fairies.

  • BlessedQuest

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    not entirely certain but I believe it is highly recommended to NEVER do anything/go anywhere in the magickal world, fae or otherwise, without protection. Blessings…..

  • FartsArePoopsHonking

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    My default is to over give to the faries. My family does “fairy wishes” where we give small rocks and twigs to wishing wells and small ponds. We never ask for anything, never call it a gift, but simply give these things to the fairies in hopes they like it.

    There is a fairy shrine near our home with painted rocks and knick knacks. We will only take something if we leave much more in return. Again, no expectation of debt, just some nice things we hope they’ll like.

  • Probably-Fae

    September 15, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    I keep an offering of a small amount of table sugar in a crystal bowl, a bell, some dried flowers, and a shiny copper pendant. I leave notes with whatever small list things that have been misplaced, and whatever mismatched earrings I can’t find on a tray in front of the offering and usually I’ll mysteriously find the lost item in a place I already searched. It’s just my little ritual to trade for ‘misplaced’ shines and trinkets.

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