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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Can someone please explain this…

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    I am very new to the practice of Wicca/witchcraft but I have been curious and interested for a long time. About a year ago I bought a Spellsdeck which I use almost daily but I am not as consistent as I would like to be. My question is this: I am drawing the same cards all the time. It’s almost creepy how often I pick the same ones no matter how much or how long I shuffle the deck. Anyone have an explanation for this? Thank you in advance!

  • Can someone please explain this…

  • kai-ote

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    A friend once told me that when certain cards kept showing a lot they did 2 things. 1st, the obvious, meditate on the meaning of those cards for an extra amount of time, and try to figure out what that means to you right now. But next, she would pull those cards out and set them aside. Shuffle the deck and do a draw without those cards in the way to dive in for a deeper hidden meaning. Silence the loudest voice to allow the others to be heard. I hope that helps a bit. Have fun. BB.

  • CaptainZelth

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    Recurring issues, possibly something you’re trying to ignore. Those cards are probably trying to draw your attention to something in particular.

  • zwahk

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    From my personal experience if you keep pulling the same cards that usually means you’re asking the same kinds of questions worded differently, granted I don’t know the specific details of your situation but after a while the spirits who make the cards work can start to get a little annoyed and they’ll start repeating themselves over and over LOL, by the way I have a witchcraft blog if you’re interested [arcane Delight net ](

  • Apidium

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    You are, in essence, asking the same question over and over and getting the same answer over and over.

    It may also be that you are asking fundimentally differant questions yet they aren’t the topics you should be addressing.

    For example. If i was to head over right now and ask my mother ‘hey, what time is it?’ I would expect to get ‘why on hell are you here? I was asleep’.

    There is this modern idea that there is no such thing as a wrong question. There absolutely is.

    The question for example ‘is it the 5th of November or the 3rd of June?’ Is fundimentally an incorrect question given neither of the options provided is relivent.

    These kind of issues can crop up a lot with scrying metholds.

  • zwahk

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    I can recommend a good YouTube channel, go check out “conjured cardea”, I especially love her early work,”

  • AliStat5255

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    Could be that those are the card you should be calling, or that you need to shuffle better.

    Mix up the shuffling and if they still come up, figure out what they mean.

  • TotallyInnocentKid

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    Imma just list off possibilities because I don’t know the details

    -You’re asking different versions of the same question
    -It’s something you’re trying to ignore but the cards want you to address it
    -It’s warning you of something that’s coming
    -You’re asking the wrong questions, and the cards want to tell you something else

  • Onyx_Oracle

    December 21, 2021 at 3:58 am

    As others said, You’re not getting the message or the question is the same. I just wanted to point you towards r/tarot for more card guidance.

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