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Forums Forums Psychic Can someone satisfy my curiosity?

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    We all are going to die anyways, pooped out from our bodies is all the energy left inside us when we were up and running. All of that returns to earth and will be used somewhere once again. If our thoughts are energy, where does it go after we die? Our whole mind, full of electrical impulses, our memories stored all the images/videos etc… when we die does all of that stored energy travel together into earth? Or does each piece of us get spread everywhere into everything? Ready to be recycled into a more active source of living. If so, does reincarnation exist? If not where do all that stored energy of our minds go, since its not physical and its energy where does all those images and videos in our head go!? It doesn’t just disappear. Does that mean that there is just a bunch of dead people thoughts floating around? Energy never dies. Im really gonna go down a rabbit hole on this one.

  • Can someone satisfy my curiosity?

    conscious_interface updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • conscious_interface

    January 31, 2021 at 8:43 am

    All I see is words, words, words in your questions. The thing is reality is a strange loop, there is no energy, there is no physical material, there is no you, there is no me. It’s all one singularity. So nothing comes from nowhere, goes nowhere, you can never understand it, when you give up trying to understand it, then all your questions will be answered.

    But let’s call it boundless energy just to make things simpler. So that boundless energy is appearing as these questions in this moment, these questions are coming from logical pathways that makes you, you, which is again the same boundless energy. So it’s a circular loop. Keep asking and you’ll understand that the only reason you have questions is because you have questions

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