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Forums Forums Mediums Can we just… stop with the toxic positivity when it comes to spirit? I flaired this experience because I have it! damnit. LOL

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    Stop with the whole toxic “spirit would never allow this or that to be said or happen”????

    Spirit/God/the universe works through us. People. We interpret the message and deliver it the best way know how OR exactly how we hear see or feel it. Some have couth than others. Some are gentle. Some are direct.

    So like.. can we stop expecting that spirit/god/universe is only going to deliver us toxic positivity??

    We get lessons and blessings daily. We have free will andmist hold ourselves accountable for the outcome of our choices and attitudes and point of views on people and life.

    That’s all. Just throwing my two cents out there.

    I hope everyone is doing well in one way or another and just remembering that things could be worse, trying to feel the gratitude for what we do have and the hope we have, as I’m right there also.

  • Can we just… stop with the toxic positivity when it comes to spirit? I flaired this experience because I have it! damnit. LOL

     phoenixphire0808 updated 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 15 Replies
  • RicottaPuffs

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Oh my goodness, yes. I am a psychopomp. I do not meet vapid rainbow spouting spirits with Stepford wife personalities.

    Spirit does not have control over what happens. Angels do not swoop in and save everyone, Obviously. Pain happens. Disasters happen. Souls do not magically become purified or turned into something other than they always were. It is unethical and irresponssible to tell clients that spirit won’t allow bad things to occur.

    Those who have crossed are not mindless sparks of nothingness wiped clean of who they were and devoid of emotions or opinions.

    They are not erased and added to a swirling light primordial egoless soup. God Source is not without personality or emotions.

    It is not all love and light and unicorns. If it were, there would .be no purpose in my mediumship.

  • SinVerguenza04

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    My favorite is when people say as soon as *everyone* passes, they enter love and light.

    *Yeah, not everyone.*

  • TattoedBacon

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    I think the filter has a lot to do with the flavor.

  • iiAzzyii

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Personally I think it’s a very interesting point and one of the things I’ve seen the most when looking into mediumship, how different everyone’s beliefs are.

    Some people need mediumship to be dark and spooky.

    Some people need mediumship to be light and love.

    Neither is right, neither is wrong. It’s what YOU need it to be that dictates how it appears to be.

    Just my theory after having teachers on both sides of this argument and exploring a lot.

  • SimplyRedd333

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    I can agree with this completely. I have been working with people for years. I always warn I am direct don’t get me wrong not disrespectful and I also know who needs a little more care, but the truth is some spirit guides are extremely direct especially if they haven’t incarnated and never felt the vast array of human emotions. Source/ God/ Universe which ever way you want to put it has very little play here unless we ask for help hence free will. Free will allows humans to make choices Every choice has a reprocussion whether good, bad, or indifferent. I think people lose sight of that. I also find people push the positive because they want people to come back to them etc. If I see something not good I sit on it and I word it in a way the person I am working will allow to filter in and process, but no it’s not like toon land in Roger rabbit.

  • SimplyKendra

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    I hear you.

    Mostly what I hear is they appear that way because they aren’t humans in society with ego any longer, and have seen how their actions and beliefs affected others. I don’t believe however that everything they say is sunshine and rainbows, and that their original personality is just gone and some flower loving hippie with immense depth has replaced them, I just think it’s them plus. They (in most cases) don’t want to be negative to you as they want the best for you.

  • lemon_balm_squad

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    I guess I may sometimes be guilty of this. It’s just that I tend to cross paths with people who are barely functional because they’re tormented by the idea that a generally-decent-person loved one is suffering or earthbound because the querent didn’t cry the required number of tears or had them buried in the “wrong” place or they had dementia that presented in awful and ugly ways in the end. Like, it’s true that not everyone has a simple crossing but it’s also not an ultra-exclusive nightclub where you must be wearing exactly the right clothes and know the coolest people to get in. You aren’t going to accidentally make a ghost because you had a bit of an argument with your mom shortly before she passed.

    But I also don’t know that I believe in “love and light” so much as Knowing and Understanding that comes for *most* when they cross, and very much moving on from petty concerns. It’s certainly possible to get stuck or confused, but most don’t, and they certainly don’t just because you had some interpersonal conflict with them. It’s big big trauma involved, generally.

    I think a lot of querents AND mediums don’t want to accept a generally boring (on paper) ending and need every crossing to be tragic and obstructed because it’s more interesting and possibly more lucrative. But just on a statistical scale *most* people are doing the best they can in life and they may have some sorrows and truly hard times and experiences that they understand more fully when they cross, but they are crossing successfully.

  • AnaAlesea

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    As I mentioned in my comment earlier, love and light, because these are things to operate on spectrums can look different based off of the person who’s perceiving them. What’s love and light to one can be darkness to another. And it has nothing to do with believing that there is no darkness, or that there is no negative energy because there is, there has to be especially when it comes to this actual physical earth. This physical earth is the only place where energies can be expressed in full negativity in full darkness. Because once we cross over and are no longer in this vibrational plane, we as humans can only comprehend things of higher vibrations through higher vibrations and those higher vibrations can only be access through what we consider the vibration of love and light. I’m a medium I’ve had a shit ton of negative experiences, and if it wasn’t for my ability to transmute negative things to positive, I wouldn’t have gotten to a place where I’m able to even do readings for other people. So no it’s not about acting like there’s no negativity or as you labeled it “toxic positivity” which I do know is a very real thing, but it’s about understanding how to find the balance in any position so that you can transmute energy in a way that serves you your journey and your personal experience regardless of that being in darkness or light. If you spend your entire life festering in what most people can consider darkness, you don’t know where your journey was prior to this physical existence that led to where you are here today. Meaning you could’ve been a lot darker than you are now before so where you are today, even though it can be perceived by some people as darkness can be light considering where you came from.

  • japanda13

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    So I had an evidential medium who came through with actual personal facts she shouldn’t have have ever known. She told me that the my departed love learned a lot about love in spirit and said that he sees our relationship a-lot clearer and feels remorse for hurting me towards his end. She also said that he kept nudging her to tell me that he will help me in my next love relationship. How is possible if y’all say spirit doesn’t have these abilities?

  • OfSunMoonEarth

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Yep your real spirit guides are going to be critics sometimes.

    If they ain’t it’s not guiding you.

  • Tarotismyjam

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    For me, there is balance. I intentionally set up my medium consultations to bring in elevated souls. But just because one is elevated doesn’t mean they are making the trip to say, “I just called to say I love you. “ /que Lionel Richie.

    They deliver important sharings.

    One particularly funny one was a Chinese butcher showing up in a bloody apron waving an equally stained knife.

    I told my client who blanched visibly. “That’s my grandfather. I haven’t been honoring my ancestors. “

    Well get to it!

  • phoenixphire0808

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Thank you very much to whoever gave this a silver award and stay well!

  • anjlhd_dhpstr

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Love this! I have been requested at times to do things or say things that run counter to what most people perceive as what’s “allowable” or “nice” or “positive” by Spirit. God always comes in a way for the benefit of future gain, and that means that the NOW moment may be uncomfortable or not so nice. So, yah, totally get this!

  • Asleep_Macaron_5153

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Amen 🙏 and preach!

  • IneptGenius579

    March 9, 2023 at 6:04 am

    It rained every year on my birthday spirit must be trying to send me a rainbow as a birthday gift!!!!! Uh…. Is that to positive?

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