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Forums Forums Astrology Can we talk about Pisces (day)dreaminess and what it might be good for in this practical, mundane reality? this aspect of Pisces is often described as being illusional and I’m wondering what a person could actually make of this trait in a positive sense to use it to their advantage probably

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    Happy to read about actual experiences or even just a theoretical approach

  • Can we talk about Pisces (day)dreaminess and what it might be good for in this practical, mundane reality? this aspect of Pisces is often described as being illusional and I’m wondering what a person could actually make of this trait in a positive sense to use it to their advantage probably

     Charles updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Positive_Type

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    So I’m a Pisces and I check out as much as I blink. I’m writing about the dream world in my mind. Giving it structure and sense along the way. They say we’re creative because it’s the best use of our daydreaming. I’ve always drawn and made up songs with my sister.

    When we escape reality, we make an alternate one. If we focus it, we can make it real.

  • Perihelion6

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Look up [Albert Einstein’s ‘Deep Thought Experiments.’]( He was one of the world’s foremost geniuses, and yet (as a Pisces himself) he extensively used his imagination to think deeply about scientific problems and solutions. It enabled him to come up with entirely revolutionary new insights, such as his Theory of Special Relativity, which itself lead to the discovery of nuclear power potential. So the power of daydreaming/imaginative thinking can literally move the world forward if applied properly. To quote him: *”Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”*

  • Garderder

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Pisces rising checking in to let everyone know that reality IS the illusion.

    No but really — what is at the root of why we consider fantasy/escapism inferior? It’s just what our society values in the current moment, who is to say that dreaming won’t be valued highly in the future, and hasn’t been in the past?

    There are so many positives of being neptunian. One that I personally value a lot is the psychic/intuitive side.

    Some may consider if maladaptive but if I didn’t daydream through my depressive episodes I don’t know that I would have survived them, so, I think it makes me resilient in unfortunate circumstances.

  • Active_Doctor

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    It gives people hope and beauty and inspiration, that illusory sorta daydream/fantasy way of existing. The people that build little fairy gardens or make tiny curbside libraries or create deep fantasy worlds. The promise of an afterlife, a state of nirvana… I think there are lots of ways to profit using pisces energy. Sellin’ the dream, ya know?

    Think of artists & musicians, or poets or writers (although I tend to think with a lot of pisces energy, one wouldn’t care all too much about financial or material gain).

  • StellaGraphia

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    I have two pisces people I can describe as juxtapositions to the stereotype. One was a lifelong executive for a global corporation. He would tell me that when there was a problem to solve (we’re talking mostly large-scale problems here), he just asked himself the question when he went to bed, and the answer was always there when he woke up. Always. Never failed him.

    The other was a woman who got into the market mid-life and ended up not only creating generational wealth for her family, but taught others how to do what she did. She had no financial training at all, but was certainly quite intelligent.

    Of course, neither can be put just on a piscean sun. But, you asked for pisces stories, so there you go.

  • Miss_Anne_

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Many things we have today were illusions a few years back. It probably took a person to dive deep behind the illusion, break it into practical bits & pieces & then achieve these bits step by step. But the first step towards that is actually the ability to dream & think. Like how an artist creates an artwork…

    Basically the overused “think out of the box”. There is this quote “The best candlemakers could have never imagined making a bulb” & how improvements & breakthroughs come from the fringes.

    Pisceans are good at thinking from the fringes & making everything an art.

    This sums up positive Pisces energy for me!

  • flusia

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    I think it’s absurd that people think day dreamin is a necessarily negative thing. I think it’s way more positive than negative. I have a 12th house sun tho (libra) and I m always daydreaming.

    Imagination is actually one of the most important things. Imagination is a precursor and necessary element of empathy. We have to imagine how others are feeling. Maxine Greene has a cool book that talks about how art education and encouraging creativity in schools can like basically save the world lol .

    creativity = imagination = empathy.

    but of course imagination is undermined because it kills capitalism.

  • Complex-Waffle

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    as a 12th house sun and moon daydreams, when not maladaptive, have been actually a powerful way for me to envision & create my reality. quite a few have come true and sometimes daydreams let us believe we are worthy of things that in our day to day we don’t let ourselves want.

    I daydream of love, the moon, safety, being in a calm field, reading, peace, light in the afternoon, parties, being around my friends, to music. I daydream being in books like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and sometimes my own word. It’s really calming and centering for me.

  • flusia

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    There are also a lot of stupid narratives about “escapism”, either through day dreaming, drugs, etc. other things that aren’t productive towards maintaining capitalism. As if people don’t integrate what they learn and create from these outlets in to the rest of their lives.

    Drugs can obviously have a ton of negativity surrounding them. I’m not saying that’s not true lmao but specifically psychedelic trips, weed and other drugs taken with the intent of learning, exploration and creativity are not just “escapism”.

    But also like the “real world” that this same narrative believes in is one worth escaping from.

  • Orcus216

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Think movies or fashion

  • omelettedreamer90

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    I think for me it’s definitely helped me visualise how I want my life/the world to be and take steps towards making that happen, whether it’s the career I want or the home environment that makes me most comfortable, or even the city that I want to start a new life in. I moved cities recently, but this time last year I was looking at photos of this city and listening to playlists of local artists and manifesting like crazy

  • trickortreat89

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Well initially I would say it makes you more creative, full of ideas seemingly out of nowhere and reflective about others as well as themselves in this world. Maybe even philosophical… And those are good traits to have if you work in the artistic field, but also maybe even the financial Field actually. I’ve seen a lot of pisces people seemingly being good at running companies, as idea making and inspiration gets you very far.

  • drumgrape

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Pisces rising—it’s fun to be underestimated and then turn on my Scorpio sun trine Mars/ Mars trine asc placements 😈

    Also gives me a sweetness

    Sometimes I let go to find the answer. Good for empathy.

  • TroyMcCluresGoldfish

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    My sun is in Pisces in my 8th house. I’ve always lived in my own mental reality of revolving fandoms lol. The daydreaming is like a comfy sweater that makes me feel secure when I find myself in an awkward social situation or any situation that makes me uncomfortable. It’s effortless to switch between the two lol.

  • Sphynx823

    August 29, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    I (native pisces moon and south node) feel that pisces energy on it’s own needs to be structured and energized. In it’s own right is beautiful but quite passive in nature and hard to apply for benefits in everyday life unless maybe one works as a successful artist of sorts. For this I look to its neighboring signs of aquarius and aries, and its polarity virgo. Earth, air, and fire each work well with it.

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