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Forums Forums Astrology capricorn moons: how the hell do we know if you’re emotionally/romantically interested in us?

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    capricorn moons: how the hell do we know if you’re emotionally/romantically interested in us?

  • capricorn moons: how the hell do we know if you’re emotionally/romantically interested in us?

    idontwannabestuck updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 32 Replies
  • slaybobslay

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    I’m a virgo sun Capricorn moon, so for me when I like someone I start doing practical things for them like clean up or help with chores. If I’ve heard my romantic interest mention something that they need I may surprise them with it as a gift. I tend to try to show how attentive and useful I can be lol.

  • Johnmayer3

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Aries sun, Cap moon, Scorpio Rising: I start to buy you things. food, beer/drinks if we go out. I start replying/texting/talking more. Disappear less, put more effort in. If you ask me directly what my feelings are I’ll tell you, but I’ll be awkward about it. A big indicator is if I start to open up to you about stressors like work, school, family ect. That’s how you really know I’m comfortable and into you

  • cpickles_

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    2 of my best friends are capricorn moons. I notice they like someone when they start relying on them. They’re both pretty emotionally guarded, so when they let someone in to see their weaknesses, I know it’s a wrap ????????‍♀️

  • A_Noni_Maus

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Coming from someone whose 4 closest people are all Cap moons-
    Cap moons don’t tend to verbalize their “I love you”s because they’re too busy *show*ing us they love us. We just know it and feel it from them. ❤️
    (This is just my observation, as a Scorpi moon who reads heavily into the intentions and internal experiences of everyone around her. Plus, I’ve seen that Cap/Scorpio moons are pretty dynamic as a duo in general, but slight disclaimer as this is just my experience and others’ mileage may vary!)

  • kaliaautumnrose

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    I’m a libra sun, Capricorn Moon, and I definitely love being helpful/useful. I would say I’m a very physically affectionate person and I try to verbally express my love and appreciation as much as I can. But honestly I show my love by doing things. Example of that could be – I stay with my partner and I naturally want to clean his room, do his laundry, and I’ll dump my artistic opinions into anything so that his life is just more enjoyable physically. I feel like my Capricorn moon works against me most times but reading everyone’s posts here is encouraging:)

  • albertdotcom

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Leo sun, Capricorn moon. I saw a similar answer here and wanted to affirm that, when I like someone, I let them know about how I’m struggling. Even if it’s something small like, “I’m stressed because I have a bunch of assignments to do.” Most of my friends know me as someone who is “always on top of things” and never struggling and that’s simply because I never show them how much anxiety and stress is actually going on underneath the surface! If a Capricorn moon shows you any of that chaos, it’s a sign that they trust you and like you. And you also better believe they’re paying close attention to how you respond/offer them support :^)

  • TheFirstSecondBoner

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Capricorn sun, moon, and mercury here.

    I think it probably differs from person to person. But for me, I’m kind of an upfront person and I prefer straightfoward communication.

    When I like someone a lot, eventually not telling them is painful. I like to just tell my crushes my honest feelings, and I really appreciate when they return their honesty as well, even if they dont feel the same.

    Also, It may be a subtle difference, but I put energy into making sure to be more available for that person. I don’t just dedicate my time to anyone, in fact rarely anyone at all. But if I’m into someone, I kinda want to be there for them all day every day, enough to even lose some sleep.

  • Top-Aside147

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    When we take time out of our life to help you structure your shit better so you can make a fine ass presentation of yourself to you world and succeed in whatever want. You want a ride to auditions to be in a movie? We’re the ones driving you there at 5AM to be there at noon because we believe in you. That kind of love, most can’t handle it.

  • PositiveViolinist4

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Cap moon here, acts of service and gift giving is where it’s at. Not grand gestures just interest in your physical and mental being. And small gifts we know you’ll appreciate. We’re listening and thinking about you all the time

  • Tyronemagnussucks

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    We haven’t developed this function yet. As it’s just infatuation most of the time and we’re good at hiding emotions.

    Therefore, we’ve never learnt how to let someone know that we’re interested. As the passion cools down quickly.

  • heather793

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    cancer sun, cap moon and rising i will buy things for that person or bring them stuff. i love making things for the people i am interested in. i will also pay if we go out anywhere. and i offer to do certain things as well.

  • Radbabe13

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Well I avoid that person and barely talk to them but I’m always watching them and making observations without being obvious..that’s just how I work due to my Pisces sun shyness and Cap moon emotional avoidance. However, if you have managed to get close to me, I revert quickly and can talk about anything under the sun. I also like to do small things for them which they’ll love. I also start to open up to them about what I am really feeling

  • glitched_innie

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    cancer sun & mars, cap moon, leo venus; usually i start showing off a person as a proud owner of their interest, want to be w them as much as possible, take them everywhere and post them everywhere bc i like making the other person feel as appreciated as much as possible; cap moons are v emotionally stunted & in a way materialistic, so an evolved cap moon would be protective and proud of being in ur company (in moderation ofc), also they would be focused on being physically close to u, sitting next to u, bumping ur arm if u say smth funny etc.

  • bluecryptid

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Pisces sun. Cap moon and venus. For this you’ll probably have to check their venus sign, but even then it can be tricky to tell at times. One thing is that we open up to you more. Maybe we start spending more time with you. We might end up feeling a little awkward, because we want to give affection but we’re not always sure how to. We do tend to show you that we love you. I personally send people memes/videos because they remind me of the person and I make them gifts. I prefer thoughtful gifts over expensive gifts, so I do this with others. I’ll make the person something they like instead of buying them some expensive headphones (unless they need some). I like it when time and effort was put into gifts because it means a lot to me.

  • meygenreturn

    January 31, 2021 at 11:48 am

    I’m aries sun, capricorn moon – I won’t ever tell the person I like that i’m interested in them romantically. I’ll make friends then i’ll act disinterested to see if they initiate things with me.. mainly so I dont have to face rejection! I hope this helps ????

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