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Forums Forums Astrology Chart ruler: Traditional or Modern Rulership

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    For the Ascendent sign, do you use the traditional or modern ruler to be considered the Charts overall ruler? If both how do you reconcile differences?

  • Chart ruler: Traditional or Modern Rulership

    oaiisea updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • StellaGraphia

    May 3, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Traditional for all house rulers. Not that the outers aren’t important on their own, but traditional for house rulerships, profections, etc.

  • [deleted]

    May 3, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Traditional, there is nothing to reconcile because I reject the outer planets as having rulership of any sign. That is not to say you can’t be plutonian, uranian or neptunian, especially when you have those outer aspecting many of your personal.

    Let’s deal with the case of Aquarius. When Uranus was disovered, it was not initially given any rulership but the general consensus that it was comfortable in air signs, the breakthrough of new ideas. When assigned rulership to Aquarius, the sign emphasized being innovative, rebellious, and eccentric. Also, when dealing with transits, Uranus is associated with abrupt changes, unpredictability and upheavals. The planet is too chaotic for a FIXED sign such as Aquarius.

    Uranus is also associated with scientific breakthrough. But behind every breakthrough, there is a painstaking systematic process of gathering, analyzing and structuring data, that just very Saturnian to me.

    Aquarian also has reputation for being social outcasts. Saturn being the furthest visible planet, rules over exile and fringe groups. Being out of the system you see its flaws, to fix the flaws is to rebel against it, to be able to do that you have to form group, and once you dismantle the old system, it’s time to build a new one. Sometimes this can be tyrannical. The winter that prunes away the weak and let new life takes hold.

    Aquarius suns online are notoriously boastful about their eccentricity and unconventionality, I don’t think it has anything to do with Uranus but the sun – the creative expression is in the domicile of its antithesis, this bounds to create contrarian. Why Capricorn, the other Saturn ruled sign, doesn’t have this reputation? I guess because Capricorn is a feminine sign so the energy/the expression is more ‘inward’. But they are as weird as they come once you get to know them.

    Thanks for reading through my rambling. One reason I prefer Saturn rulership is it makes aquarius more tolerable to me. The “I’m so quirky and freedom loving and not-like-other-sign” claim is irritating.

    I’m an aqua rising btw xD

  • oaiisea

    May 3, 2021 at 12:42 am

    I stick with traditional, I’ve found it to be more accurate.

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