CharlesParticipantI’m interested in hearing about other people’s chiron placements, the sign its in, the house, aspects, etc and how you believe it has manifested in your life and how you work through it if you’re willing to share.
Chiron Placements
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 am4th house. Cancer. Plenty plenty of mother issues and transmuting her karma. ????
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron in 1st house. Lot’s of bullying and low self esteem as a kid and as a teen.
Maybe for that reason I got into a mental health career and my 1st motivation is helping people fewling better about themselves, getting free from their wounds and healing them.
I’m also a cancer rising (pisced MC) so I believe I’m doing a good use of these lessons.
It’s a hard placement -
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 am11th house in Virgo. I find myself becoming the people I choose to have around me instead of any sense of self identity because I just want to be a part of the group. 🙁
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron in gemini. I was shy as a kid and didn’t start talking when most kids do.
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amI have Sagittarius Chiron in my 2nd house and it tightly conjuncts my Ceres, sextiles my Aquarius Mercury (4H), squares my Pisces Venus (5H) and tightly in conjuncts my Taurus Saturn (7H). For me I believe it’s manifested itself by me struggling with my self-worth which has been detrimental to my love life. I also heard that with easy aspects to Chiron it shows where you have the ability to heal others and that makes sense for me since it sextiles my Mercury and I wanna become a therapist (specifically for adolescents as I believe that age is the most susceptible to feeling insecure and having low self-esteem).
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amGemini 12th House.
I’ve long struggled with feeling “at home” and understood in the world. I have also worried about others opinions of me (friends AND strangers) to an unhealthy degree. I’ve grown to accept that my mind/way of thinking is unique (being diagnosed as bipolar actually really helped with this – there are physiological differences on my brain) and that is something to be embraced! Even though I am a pretty creative person, I leaned into my analytical side much more as I got older, because it seemed to be more acceptable by others. Pursuing creative hobbies the past few years has really helped me to build self-esteem and confidence, even though some of it was terrifying and required a lot of vulnerability (creative writing class, improv).
I’ve also learned that I communicate most clearly when I write my thoughts down in a free flow, then edit/polish. Talking to myself and recording it is also super helpful. Basically, “practicing” and refining what I am trying to communicate before I actually try to communicate it to someone else. I have also been lucky to find friends who are able to understand my “unpolished” thoughts, which has given me validation and confidence.
Anyway, it’s a work in progress.
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron in Cancer in the 8th house. Weakly conjunct South Node in Cancer in the 8th.
Emotionally unavailable mother growing up. Feeling constantly unlovable, falling into abusive relationships/been cheated on in all my relationships, made to feel inadequate especially related to sex, fear of intimacy, fear of being vulnerable or showing myself/can’t relax or be myself in social situations, almost been raped, people constantly just wanting me for sex and nothing else, every single person I get close to gets disgusted at my emotions or sensitivity so I just hide my true feelings.
So basically, no one wants to see my Cancerian traits, which is where I am happiest and most comfortable, and I get torn into, rejected or abused for showing them. So my alternative is to just be shut off and emotionally numb to everyone who enters into my life.
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amMine is right on top of my asc and i had a rough childhood and have always been extremely insecure about how I look despite being a Leo sun
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amHow can I check this ????
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron conjunct Saturn in Pisces, 10th house.
Trines from Moon, Merc, Nept (triple conjunct) in Scorp, square Sun/Venus in Sag and opposition to Uranus/Pluto in 4th.
Make of it what you will – my own experience is that I’m a good listener and good at making people feel secure.
Background: absent father, moved a lot as kid, but somehow I (as well as my brother) adjusted to that quite well, never felt unloved or unappreciated (thx Mom)
Adulthood: never married, no kids, work with administration (economy)
All in all content with life – accepted that perfection or happiness comes in small doses and are temporary visitors in my (probably everyone else as well) life.
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron in Sagittarius in the 1st house. It definitely takes a huge toll on my self esteem and I worry alot about what people think about me (as much as I try not to care) it’s nearly impossible. I also have Saturn opposite ascendant so that doesn’t help either lol
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 am5H sag chiron and PAIN. I felt rejected all through my childhood and i always feel weird like excluded for what i like and what makes me happy (paired with my 11H stellium. Lovely. ) it also sextiles uranus and trines my asc soo yeah.
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron conjunct Saturn in the first house. Nonstop issues about my body and appearance. Ugly duckling to swan syndrome. Very aware of how you are treated poorly if you don’t look good. Hyper aware of aging.
Teeth issues, broken bones. Periods of being bizarrely thin. Not physically strong, but able to work hard.
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron 1st house, conjunct ASC. I’d also like to note Pluto is conjunct with them both as well. I’m trans so I think this placement is significant and I kinda hold it dear to me in a way
GuestJanuary 29, 2021 at 5:09 amChiron, cancer, 3rd house. (is it a cusp thing?)
Squares: moon libra (6)
Sextiles: sun aries (12) and venus taurus (12)Idk how I am doing. You tell me!
I am joking ofc! Although chiron is a tricky thing to understand.
There is too much to tell tbh…
I have a tight knit family, but always feel like I’m the ugly duckling or the odd one out. For example: my cousin’s (whom I grew up closely with) wedding pics were 600, I wasn’t in any of them but I was def there and pictures were taken of me. I am also very often not mentioned. My mum actually finally noticed this about a year or 2 ago and I just told her I am used to it and it’s no biggy. I love my family regardless.
I have had bad relationships. I’m good now.
Didn’t have many friends, most betrayed me in a deep sort of way. What I learned is that I mostly have to count on myself and to not trust too much. Edit: not to mention the bullying!
My parents weren’t emotionally avaliable when I needed them, when I was young that is (I am 31 now). Looking back I realise this was not their fault. My father was able to emotionally support me later on when I did get to see him, sadly he died unexpectedly a few years back.
I recently got insight about my mum, which basically threw most passed hurts out the window. She supports me in different, practical ways and I support her emotionally when she allows it (my mum is cancer sun).I like keeping the peace.I tend to give too much to or do too much for other people. That has been taken advantage of many times, when I notice this I cut these people from my life completely. It gives me peace, because I can’t change my nature, but I sure as hell can choose who deserves my attentions. When I try to make friends they usually cause drama and try to pull me in. Sooo much stupid drama, it makes my head spin. So I take distance, there are worse things in life.
I tend to look for balance in my mind, when something bad happens I look at other people that have it worse, think: mine isn’t that bad and I try to count my blessings no matter how small.
Life is hard, I was told I have the life experience of someone much older. Had to grow up fast. Got chronically ill. I just want a steady life and some peace and quiet in nature somewhere. I look most within. Lots of spiritual work and philosophy. When people ask me how I am doing the true answer is: (meh)… I am ok.
On a positive day: I am healing.So what works for me: Deep thinking, spiritual practice, peace and quiet, balance in all things.