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Forums Forums Psychic Clairsentience = Claircognizance?

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    I don’t see a lot about claircognizance but when I read what clairsentience means, there is an element of clair cognizance. No Wonder I don’t see the two as a separate topic. Either Clair sentience is part of the subject on clairs without the other and rarely is clair cognizance mentioned.

    Are the two really the same?

  • Clairsentience = Claircognizance?

    SaresTarot updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • This0neTime23

    January 31, 2021 at 7:15 am

    I experience them in blended fashion, usually starts of with clairsentience (the feeling element) then the thoughts or cognitions start filtering in. Clairvoyance and audience become extensions those “scripts” like how a play starts off as script then gets acted out as a production

  • Cactushead1664

    January 31, 2021 at 7:15 am

    Clairsentience loosely translated means “clear-feeling” and is perhaps the most down-to-earth of all the intuitive gifts. It’s someone who feels things very deeply, someone who has the gift of clear sensing. It is the ability to feel the present, past or future physical and emotional states of others, without the use of the normal 5 senses (smell, vision, touch, hearing, and taste). People who experience clairsentience are affected by a myriad of different influences, but it all comes down to being sensitive to changes in energy.

    Claircognizance is the intuitive ability of clear knowing. Claircognizance is also called clear-knowing, divine knowing, or drop-in insight. Claircognizant information often comes in like a light bulb illuminating suddenly within your head, or a sudden bright and clear idea

    Being psychic knowing future events and having access to Akashic records is an example of claircognizance. Access to information.

    Having empathic ability’s like being able to tell the emotional intentions of an entity is clairsentience, or how someone feels physically mentally. Access to another’s feelings and emotions.

    I feel like cold reading objects or spaces could be where they intersect a bit. There is a lot of intersection like channeling when communicating with things in a medium fashion or telepathically is it clairaudience if you hear it in your head or Claircognizance because you’re receiving information from a outside source.

    I think you can receive the same information through claircognizance as clairsentience but claircognizance can give you access to way more information like what they’re doing wrong in life, where to change, who to a avoid, just a lot of information.

  • SaresTarot

    January 31, 2021 at 7:15 am

    almost the same

    clairsentience – sensing. like for example, you are supposed to go out but you kinda feel something bad will happen. this is where intuitions lead you. another example will be like getting goosegumps, tingle senses etc

    claircognizance – knowing. you just know, you don’t know how. for example, you go into marriage unknown couple, you just they will not last. this can also be intuitive message but its mostly like your guides just “dumping” information on your head.

    theres another one, Clairalience. this one is smelling, quite rare. for example some people can smell cancer.

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