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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Cleansing and protecting

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    I have been struggling since I broke up with my fiance (who was also a practitioner) and they moved out. I have been contemplating doing a full cleanse, banishing/purge, and fresh wards..however everytime I thought about I would get extremely fatigued and down or my mind would move to a new thought…
    I’ve been feel drained and wierd especially in certain areas of my home so I decided to just do the work today…and wow! It is so wild how much crafting, cleansing, protecting helped!

    What I did:
    I made wee jars with rosemary, chili, and peppercorns and attached them with black thread to small cinnamon whisks. I used knot magick and Incantations to imbue my intent.
    I places them in my large singing bowl and charged them with sound energy.

    I took chunks of Himalayan salt and put it up in the 4 corners of my bedroom and on the main floor of my home…

    I crafted a little fan from 9 rooster feathers (from a rooster raised and humanely dispatched on my land), cinnamon sticks and black thread. I used knot magick as well as the singing bowl.

    I sound cleansed and smoke cleansed my entire home. Some areas were fine and took very little effort and other areas I had to buckle down and change my incantation from a removal and blessing to a straight up banishing GTFO because there were stuck energies or entities that didn’t want to leave.

    After the cleanse and purge I put up my physical wards (the whisks and salt).

    Everything feels lighter somehow. My chest feels like a weight has been removed, and it doesn’t feel like I’m walking through a thick gray slurry in my home anymore.

    What do yall do for your cleansing, purging/banishing, protection and warding?

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