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Forums Forums Mediums Coming to a common understanding with nonbelievers

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    I’m fine with people who have different beliefs than me, put I’m wondering how to not let others putting down my mediumship get to me? I feel like it affects my progress so much

  • Coming to a common understanding with nonbelievers

     13sweettea updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 10 Replies
  • AbyssDomme

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    Their disbelief is valid. If someone doesn’t experience something for themselves it’s completely rational to be skeptical or not believe.

    You can’t allow other people to decide your worth or hit at your self esteem in that way. Because people aren’t always going to be your cheerleader. Actually, rarely are people going to be your cheerleader, especially if you potentially outshine them in some manner. So you have to figure that out for yourself of how to stand on your own without external validation. It’s not easy, but necessary.

  • Dkinives

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    One of the mediums I’ve been fortunate to study under in my area has been around spiritualism and mediumship for many years. He’s not a big name, but he does say something interesting that may help here, “You aren’t a true medium until someone claims you to be a fake.” There are always going to be doubters and haters out there. As long as you know what is true for you thats all that matters.

  • bisbeeblueLG

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    My Spirit Guide and I have been talking about nonbelievers quite a bit. He taught me an immense amount of astrology in a very short period of time, in part,
    So that I could see, some people are very unlikely to ever believe in a power outside themselves. Some of those people, not all of them, but some, whose life course does not include anything spiritual will also be so threatened by you that they will try to undermine or discredit you. That is okay. That is their road, not yours. As my dad liked to say “You do you.”

    Also ask your Guides for help! I forget this all the time.

    “How do I care less about outside voices and strengthen our connection?”

    And acknowledge yourself to yourself or your guides when you resist the urge to let it get to you.

  • YesheisJoe

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    I’ve been through this, even my closest friends left me because they said i’m faking it all, even to the point i doubted myself and thought maybe they were right, maybe i am crazy, until 2 days ago, when a fellow medium whom i just met and didn’t know anything about me said “you are a medium, you have to be that way, please”

  • JigabooFriday

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    if YOU believe and know it to be true, nobody has any right or authority to tell you what’s going on with YOU. they have no idea, therefore they have no agency. You’ve got nothing to prove to anyone.

  • MissMayhem55

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    Have faith..I wish I practiced what I preached..I no what your saying..dont seek approval from ppl u don’t no..good and light

  • RicottaPuffs

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    You do not have to defend yourself or try to convince anyone.

    The question is, where are you sharing this about yourself? it is definitely not work conversation because it crosses the line of religion/spirituality as subject matter. Anywhere else, I smile and then turn away from the person being rude. I don’t generally answer.

    The last time I did, a rude coworker said something to me about, “i heard you are a medium. Can you read my mind”?

    I replied, “A medium speaks to spirit. But you are easy to read, sadly”.

    He said, “Oh yeah. What do they say about me”?

    I told him that they said someone forgot to teach him manners, and to mind his own business. I turned away.

    I like to remind myself of that quote, “What others think of me is not my business”.

    Don’t defend yourself. You really don’t need to do that.

  • alphamsh

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    It doesn’t matter. Your experiences alone are all the verification you need. You don’t need to discuss with others who aren’t involved and do not have the engage them when they bring it up.

    Besides, as a medium you have direct access to spirits, deities, and daemons. I can’t imagine a greater cheat code to have in this reality. Like who cares that people don’t respect your beliefs lol.

  • Frankie52480

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    Two things
    1) don’t go sharing parts of yourself with ppl who will bash you. Ie: skeptics and strangers. Why set yourself up for that? It’s the same reason I feel zero need to tell ppl I believe that multi dimensional beings love among us. I don’t need them to validate me, and I also respect their opinion that it’s all rubbish. So why bring it up?
    2) when we get triggered by others opinions of us (like I mean REALLY bothered- to the point where we are writing posts on Reddit about it), that’s always a great sign to pause and reflect on why. Why do we care what others think? What do we BELIEVE that means for us? Keep digging till you reach gold. It’s a limiting belief that you picked up somewhere along your journey. Time to squash it by looking at it and discarding it.

  • t3ntric1

    December 18, 2021 at 12:10 am

    This is where we need to work out what we will and wont accept from others and then we hold our boundaries.

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