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Forums Forums Mediums Conflicted About Reaching Out…

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    I have a bit of a niche question that I really need some professional guidance on.

    My grandma died a little over 8 years ago. My parents are physically present, but her and my sister were always the two actual parental figures in my life. We were best friends. My sister and I always made her promise to haunt us at least a little bit after she died. Just give us some sort of undeniable sign.

    The thing is, she hasn’t… And it’s confusing because I’m a very easy person to spiritually communicate with. So part of me thinks well no shit, the woman refused to die for like 10 years only to finally let go then realize being dead is the shit. She’s probably fucking around and having fun. Then another part of me wonders if it’s because as soon as she was able to see all of my demons for herself and not just hear about them, she became ashamed of me. And has kept her distance since.

    The closest confirmation Ive gotten was shortly after my grandma died. My cousin visited me in a dream. We were at my grandma’s funeral. She walked up to me looking more beautiful, glowing, and at peace that I had ever seen her before. Held my hands and said, “She’s okay.”
    (I may or may not have immediately ruined the beautiful moment when I instinctively pulled my hands away, loudly proclaimed “You’re supposed to be dead”, and opened my eyes to wake up….)

    Anyway, I know there’s countless reasons she might not be reaching out. But I can’t help but always come back to blaming myself for possibly disappointing the person who meant the most to me and I need to emotionally move on from this thought.

    So my question: Would it be rude for me to reach out to her with a spell or ritual? Or something that would even give me a glimpse into where she is and what she’s doing? Even having confirmation of something like she reiterated right away would help put my mind at ease.
    I’ve tried reaching out to my cousin again to ask her, but I can’t reach her either.

    TLDR: Is it rude to do a ritual or spell to call on someone that passed and hasn’t since communicated with me?

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