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Forums Forums Psychic Conflicting Information

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    I work in science as a profession but I’ve been a bit curious about spirituality the past year. My friend and I saw a sign for a $10 special at a psychic and we decided it would be a fun activity. The psychic knew so much about my current state of mind and exactly what I’ve been going through. She ended my reading with meaningful advice. I kept a poker face and the only information I gave her was my first name. She drew 3 tarot cards and put them on the table. She said that I was not at peace. She then told me about something I was going through and she told me “let it go”. She also said that I was searching for a new beginning and that I should do what I want and not care about what others think. It seemed pretty real to me until I found out she has been arrested in 3 states for credit card fraud and grand larceny. What should I believe?

  • Conflicting Information

  • Voodooyogurtcustard

    September 14, 2023 at 2:42 am

    Having great psychic ability is no indication of character!
    Someone can still be a scam artist (although it doesn’t sound like she scanned you) and give accurate and insightful readings, infact a lot of the scammers and con artists who pull successful scams do have good ability, it’s their character that isn’t so good. As a reader, you said she knew things about you, and that’s sound advice from anyone, so she was a good reader for you.

  • Ophelia-Rass

    September 14, 2023 at 2:42 am

    Since you’re a scientist, I am guessing you realize that being a psychic is not all that lucrative.

    Regardless, there are truly gifted people in the world. If she read you well and didn’t offer anything untoward or harmful in ways of advice, why do you want to cheapen a meaningful experience by looking into her past as a means to delegitimize her or your experience?

Reply to: Crazy_Negotiation_24
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