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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Contacting different types of entities

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    For those who earnestly believe in such entities, and believe they have had dealings with them, how did you go about opening yourself up to them? If you’ve had an especially intense experience, what do you believe caused it? Also, do you believe there are meaningful differences between angels, demons, deities, etc, or are they just different names for the same thing?

  • Contacting different types of entities

  • Young-Warrior-00

    July 19, 2022 at 8:33 am

    I talked from around 2016 something with one of my now spirit guides. Unknowingly. I wanted to become a werewolf and, while focusing to finding my inner wolf, I got his name. Most of the time I used claircognisance (is it with a s or a z?-nvm) as I was still pretty religious and knew absolutely nothing about magic, paranormal things, stuff like that.

    Since apparently they want me to talk about this one only (around 2020 he left and I met the rest of the team) I will tell you a few of the instances that things got pretty weird.

    So, this spirit was there for finding a voice and a structure. The Emperor energy from the tarot fit him pretty well. So, in a few moments when I was simply stuck in a toxic situation and didn’t know how to leave, I would hear him asking for permission to take over with requests similar to ‘let me get you out of here’.

    So I did. It was very blury everything, I had no control over the body. Felt like my whole flesh was burning, without actually hurting, as he was a head-on kind of being. His motto was ‘the only way out of hell is through’. After the moment passed, I would still feel kinda nothing, going for weeks of slowly getting aware of things again. It was an interesting thing, because nobody from outside would notice.

    I needed to get a voice and I did. Before he left I was already having an ideea of where to go and what to do. That was fun. Miss the dude.

    To answer the second part, the only difference is how they feel and how they teach. Also mithology. I personally believe everything has a primordial source of being, so technically everything is a different manifestation of that whole entity.

  • Expensive_Trouble

    July 19, 2022 at 8:33 am

    Through meditation and ritual I’ve worked with and experienced entities on both the negative and positive spectrum as well as deities. Wile big picture wise we are all just different forms of cosmic energy I do believe there’s a distinct difference.

    Meditating with Shiva can range from feeling like your basking in the positive energy of the sun to experiencing the feeling of an all encompassing cosmic void. Ganesha on the other hand has a more solid feel to him though held a more intimidating weight than expected. Both have been positive interactions though

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