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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Could it have actually worked?

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    When I was young I was really into witches, spirits, basically anything that was considered supernatural. But I grew up in a very religious household who believed anything besides the Bible was Saten. But one day my cousin & I decided to do a spell. We searched for hours while my aunt was away. And she picked out the one we should do. It was in regards to making people love you. I don’t remember the details bc I was like 11 maybe? I do remember it was something along the lines of you making someone love you when you want, or getting who you want. She at the time was 16 and had a crush on a guy that is why We picked it. We walked to the store and bought all the stuff it called for. Then went into the woods and started following the direction. She made me go first bc she was scared. I faintly remember her getting scared once I was doing it and she ended up not doing it bc of that. But I had finished it not thinking anything of it. Once done I assumed it didn’t work and kinda just went on living my life. Fast forward a couple years later I started dating. My whole life I’ve noticed that I have been able to get who I wanted. And I am not trying to be all condescending, or act like I’m perfect or anything. I would say im average at best. But I also have noticed that every person I was in serious relationships with never has fully gotten over me. They’ve all at some point told me that they just can’t or something along those lines. Ive always been the one to break things off with people. Now that I feel witchcraft is being more accepted and known i feel comfortable admitting what I did. But I’m scared I did something really bad. Bc I’ve never talked about this since that day. My cousin won’t even speak of it. I just want to know if it was possible that the spell has worked. How do I reverse it. I’ve been questioning every relationship I’ve been in. Im scared if I’ve been making people fall in love with me against there will. I swear I never would’ve done something like this now. I haven’t practiced any witchcraft besides then. I’m just now wanting to learn more about it. I really hope this all is making sense and you guys could give me more clarification about it. I am not trying to sound self obsessed I really hope it dosnt come off that way. But I honestly thought it was normal for you to get who you want and for them to always love you still. My best friend growing up is the one that brought it to my attention for the first time. She had made a comment about how I get anyone I want and that they’ll always “choose me”. So I’m not the only one who has noticed this and that’s what makes me nervous that I did something real all those years ago.

    Please if anyone has some insight could educate me I would be SO thankful. Also I hope this follows the rules I read them and i believe it does.

  • Could it have actually worked?

  • hazelnut_mylk

    November 13, 2021 at 9:06 pm

    sounds like it did work. maybe a reversal magic? i’m not entirely sure tho. i’m curious to see what others will say.

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