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Forums Forums Psychic Crystal Balls and Scrying – Predict your own future by the end of this Post!

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    One of the most exciting psychic moments was activating my crystal ball to astral project to different universes. Unfortunately, black mirrors are rare and crystal balls expensive. Depriving the studying psychic, a pure view of past-lives, and developing the ability of clairvoyance. …but I would never leave you hanging!

    If you are looking for a new psychic trick to impress your friends, get a deeper connection with your clients, or see if your new boyfriend is a serial killer… Get ready to predict through windows of the soul. The EYES!

    The most important part to reading an oracle is how you look “in to it”.

    This is a 3D Magic Picture

    Try this:

    1. Put the phone screen a few inches away from your nose. Do you see your reflection?
    2. Pick a point, in your reflection, within the ball.
    3. Hold your eyes to that point, the picture will start to change, double, fuzz, alter, whatever, at that point… start pulling back the phone, slowly, slowly, until you begin to see an object shape.

    When you see it, you may move on… Until then we will all wait here until you do.


    That took a little while huh! Congratulations you have now unlocked the universe… are you ready to see within it?

    This my crystal ball I used in a previous post. What do you see?


    I love this picture because of the falling tower crashing into the sun, while the moon cradles the boiling creator in his crescent arms.

    This is mimicking the tarots Tower card and predicts of a breakdown in old idea as a mystic mind begins to slowly appear… or whatever!

    Now it is your turn but understand you may lack the tools required. For this exercise you only need a phone and an eyeball…ready!

    Say Cheese!


    This is NOT my eye! It is however my husbands’ eye, and you are about to learn some pretty personal information about my marriage…

    Zoom in to get a good look at the iris and pupil… what do you see?

    I saw a gorilla flying a paper airplane!

    *A paper airplane represents feelings about yourself distracting yourself waiting for something more interesting to happen. Purposely wasting time or opportunities because a situation sucks or is really boring. Preoccupation other things being you are thinking that nothing is important or serious at all.*

    *A gorilla can represent the fact that you could be an aggressive, rigid and stiff character. … Alternatively, the gorilla could be a symbol of your primitive impulses and wild nature but it can also refer to some repressed sexual energy.*

    So… ya? Out of humiliation can admit this is pretty accurate, and he agreed! This virus has taken the toll on more relationships I can imagine, and add this heat…

    Dream meaning and interpretations are your best source for looking up meaning to build an impressive personal prediction!

    What do your eyes says about you? Take time to view your eyes, referencing symbols with dream dictionaries to predict your future.

  • Crystal Balls and Scrying – Predict your own future by the end of this Post!

     SuperfriendsK updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • pinkspiral

    December 9, 2021 at 1:14 pm

    Am not on a phone but on a computer. Magic Eye pictures are good for learning how to see past things, how to alter vision. The type of vision that can pick up other things, see auras, etc. As far as seeing into your husband’s eye that is just the reflection in the room. We can read into it as patterns but the pattern wouldn’t be there at all if he wasn’t in that room.

  • hobbiez11

    December 9, 2021 at 1:14 pm

    In your husband’s eye I saw a siloute of someone whispering into the ear of another person’s siloute. I got the impression that the person being whispered to was ignoring the wisperer.

  • EmbyrSpirit

    December 9, 2021 at 1:14 pm

    I saw my reflection above and below the picture. I don’t know if that’s what was meant to happen.

    In your husbands eye I saw a mans face.

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