I feel like death is surrounding me and I don’t know why. Ever since I was young I would hear and see spirits. My earliest memory was talking to a spirit and believing they were an angel. I’ve even had people tell me I’m a magnet to them. As I grew older I was hospitalized many times, labeled psychotic, put on tons of meds and learned to close that side of me.
About a month ago I almost died, I also had stopped taking me meds a few months prior to that. I’m not sure why but this seemed to reawaken things. My grandma died today from covid and two other family members are also dying. On top of this the thought of my ex who killed himself a long time ago keeps popping into my mind. I have also been on and off very suicidal.
I don’t know why but it just seems like death is surrounding me. I can’t seem to shake it after that night and surprisingly it doesn’t freak me out. I’m sensing a spirit following me too, watching me. I haven’t tried reaching out to it yet and I’m not sure if I should.
I think they may be wanting to pass on a message because I’ve been feeling like I should be receiving them. I used to get premonitions through dreams but again I learned to block them. Now though I feel like I’ve been getting them just not ‘receiving’ them. Something big is about to happen soon and I don’t know what it is. Maybe I’m going to die soon? Oof I just got a flash of a demonic face and now hearing thumps…
Sorry if this all sounds insane. It’s just mainly me rambling my thoughts that I needed to get out.