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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Decided to wear my heart on my sleeve in my Reedsy profile…

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    “Unfeathered migratory bird. Refuses to live within a genre. Has been a washing machine delivery person, made runway lights used by the space shuttle, and wrote software that shipped in half a billion hard disk drives. Supporter of **WitchesVsPatriarchy** and #**BLM**”

    I belatedly uploaded my second book for review on Reedsy (it launched on Monday), and decided that it was time to add the things that matter to me to my profile.

    There are many problems in this world, but the ones that could most easily be fixed – and yet are not – arise from one group of people treating other groups of people as “lesser”. r/WitchesVsPatriarchy has a special place in my heart, I feel encouraged when I see people supporting each other in the face of oppression, and pushing back against the normalization of inhumanity.

    \[Edit… wish I could select both Black Lives Matter AND Burn The Patriarchy flair!\]

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