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Forums Forums Astrology depending on the person, their mercury will be more important than their moon sign.

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    poorly worded title, let me rephrase.
    **in my belief, depending on the person, their mercury can factor in to their behaviors more so than their moon**

    let’s say you’re trying to better understand an individual who is fueled by logic, and genuinely isn’t very emotional. in my opinion, if you have someone’s rising sign and mercury, you’ll be able to understand their behaviors (which would correlate with their sun sign) better than if you had their moon sign. there are people who are driven by logic, and it’s more helpful to understand those people by getting an idea of how their logic is formed.

    tbh, in my mind, the “big 3” is the same as sun sign astrology. i’m no seasoned astrologer, but if you really want to know any person through astrology, you need the whole chart.

  • depending on the person, their mercury will be more important than their moon sign.

    yeezywassupp updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 12 Replies
  • SunInSatabisha

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    Well yea but the reason why you look towards the Moon and rising specifically is because they both change the fastest. You get more variations and differences. Everyone born within the same 3 weeks will have the same Mercury sign however, everyone born within the same 3 days will have the same moon sign & everyone born within the same 2 hours on a specific day will have the same rising. Thus your Moon & Rising are the most critical and sensitive factors in determining individuality and a person’s karmas

    You essentially are able to differentiate similar combinations that last for months on the basis of a person’s moon & more specifically their rising. For example, say Mercury and sun are in the same sign for roughly a month, you get different flavors of the Mercury sun conjunction with people born in a libra moon with that vs the next 3 days being a Scorpio moon. Same with risings except risings determine the house placement and literally how the planet will play out. So a Mercury sun conjunction for a Gemini ascendant in the 8th would emphasize Mercury bc it ruled the 1st, whereas that same combination for an Aquarius ascendant in the 12th house won’t emphasize it at all

  • high_priestess23

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    Mercury: Gemini.

    Rising: Aquarius

    According to that I’m supposed to be super logic-driven.

    Too bad my moon is in Pisces in the first house.

  • M_Sia

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    My mercury is in Aquarius and Moon is in Pisces. I *am* a smartass but majority of major events in my life are from my sensitivity and how I dealt with my emotions. ????????

  • wl413

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    My mercury is far more important than my moon for sure. It almost cancels out my moon completely and it often overshadows my sun and rising.

  • findparadise

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    Mm, I’m not sure. I don’t think my Leo Mercury changes my behaviour, it just makes me talk loud and think in a particular way. My moon is what’s ultimately subconsciously driving my actions, my behaviours, my feelings, my desires. I can’t imagine a whole lot overshadowing a Scorpio Moon ????????

  • iwanttolearnthings98

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    Sometimes I feel my mercury sign is more dominant than my moon sign. I have mercury in scorpio and moon in sagittarius in western astrology, but if I look in my vedic chart I have moon in scorpio which I could really relate to.

  • loverromantics

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    libra moon n sag mercury and i feel like my thought process is more libra like also i feel like in my soul is libra like (even my sidereal moon is in libra). but i speak and talk abt sag things like philosophies and all that deep shit. i also fink im kinda funny. andd my moon sextiles mercury so i think they kinda work together

  • maxinemiller

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    i personally agree with this, i feel my moon and mercury are equally prominent but with my partner his mercury is much more prominent than his

  • sr_sedna

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    I’m with you on the final comment on the “big 3 astrology”, but also, consider that the Moon herself would still be one of the main factors to determine if this is a logic-driven person.

  • Active_Doctor

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    I disagree… and I could be a person who thinks mercury is more important, I have mine on my MC conjunct pluto (and if anyone cares for fixed stars, its conjunct Khambalia, a star of reasoning & research & judgement). It aspects far more in my chart than my moon in pisces does.

    I notice that I do use logic and reasoning to sift through & sort of map out my emotions, because in pisces emotions come from everywhere and are difficult to sort of pin down, if that makes sense.

    But I feel like my emotional state/the big fog of feelings that sort of envelops me, affects my behavior much more than the way I rationalize them does. I think my moon also makes me emotionally intuitive toward others & super caring & empathetic (and a bit spaced out, haha) which are traits most of my family and friends would describe in me more than “oh she’s analytical as hell”. I think most of them don’t even realize I have a brain sometimes (especially because as a libra sun I prefer not to come off as argumentative or attackish in conversations, so I either keep things light or sort of keep my reactions to big issues or disagreements mild).
    And I express a lot of the moon’s (in the 2nd house) traits outwardly – a huge love for animals, spirituality, music, helping others, my home being cozy etc.

  • realestatethecat

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    Mercury only is ever one planet away from your sun. That’s where these “cusp” or “may vs April taurus” opinions develop I think. I wouldn’t call it more important than the moon or even as important

  • yeezywassupp

    February 4, 2021 at 2:43 am

    Erm no. The moon sign represents their mind and emotions, and is the deeper part of us. The symbology behind the moon is rich, it’s cycles affect the world in a very significant way. Furthermore Mercury doesn’t simply rule logic, traditional astrology associates the sun with intellect too. And even when someone appears more “logical” their emotions are still very important.

    The big 3 is far better than sun sign astrology.

    This is a garbage, misleading post.

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