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    Description on my confusion in the comments!

  • Description on my confusion in the comments!

    mintsucre updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • mintsucre

    January 29, 2021 at 6:21 am

    Hello! First time posting and am somewhat new to tarot.

    Deck: Tarot of the Magical Forest by Hsu Chi Chun and Leo Tang

    This spread was to contact my spirit guide and ask about them, how we can communicate better, and life purpose. Most of the spread I can understand, but the life purpose is throwing me off.

    To give an overview of the spread in case other cards play into the ones I’m confused on:

    Knave of Cups: Card to represent my spirit
    guide. From what I gather, my spirit guide seems to be incredibly similar to me. I noticed that knave of cups can point to the inner child and wondered if it’s possible for my inner child to be my spirit guide and if that’s why we’re so similar.

    4 of Pentacles Reversed: How can I listen better to deepen our connection. This to me reads as just being ready and open to move forward with my spirit guide. I need to let go of any fear or hesitation and trust that we’re already working together.

    9 of Cups: Something I really need to work on. Both the 9 of Cups and Ace of Swords I took as needing to trust myself and believe in my capabilities more. I struggle to find self confidence often and they seem to be telling me to work on that.

    Ace of Swords: How can I improve this?

    Knave of Pentacles: How can I stay more connected to my higher self/spirit guide. This seems like they’re saying “You need to reach out and take opportunities I give you. I am putting them there for you, so trust me and take them so that we can move forward and grow our connection.

    The Fool Reversed: Card to represent my life’s purpose. (After looking into the meaning, I couldn’t quite understand, asked for a clarification card, and was given the 2 of Wands.)

    7 of Pentacles: How do I get closer to my life’s purpose.

    The Empress: A message my guide wants me to know. This card was slightly unclear to me because a lot of the meanings I found were about pregnancy. I have no plans to become a parent ever. However, there was also a suggestion that a career in the arts would be beneficial, as well as talk about listening to my intuition (which plays into believing in myself).

    My deck’s meaning for The Fool is this: The infinite attracts zero. Dreamy little pig sets out, urged onward by his own nature and instinct. “I’m setting out to seek my fortune” he told his mother when l he left home and embarked on the great adventure of his life. He follows his own dream and for this reason he looks up towards the sky and pays no attention to where he places his feet.

    I tend to see “life’s purpose” as more based in career, but I’m aware it can have other meanings and if those are coming through stronger, I’d love to know! But I believe that this is reaffirming that my dreams and goals are what I’m meant to be doing and that I need to trust my passions and know that I’m on the right track. However, I’m not sure in the reversed position that I’m correct on that.

    The 2 of Wands seems to play into the career choices/paths I’ve made/chosen. I initially went to college for graphic design and after finishing my degree, decided it wasn’t what I wanted. I ended up later on going to school for acting, which is where I’m currently at and I believe the cards together are telling me I made the right choice between the two.

    If there’s any information on the rest of the spread that sticks out/I got wrong, please let me know! I’ll also happily answer any questions about the deck or my take on other cards.

    Thank you for any help!

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