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Forums Forums Psychic Developing psychic abilities

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    Hi all! Have never really had any psychic experiences myself but I am fascinated by the whole thing. Wondering if anyone has any tips on being able to develop psychic abilities myself. Ty!

  • Developing psychic abilities

    shamanazm updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • shamanazm

    February 20, 2021 at 2:52 pm

    Meditating while Candle gazing and sun gazing is really good for feeding and developing your third eye. It’s through your third eye you develop and use your psychic abilities, and through your crown is how you receive them from the Universe in the first place.

    Meditate focusing on your third eye and crown with your eyes closed;
    You activate your third eye when you are able to see flashing bands of coloured lights according to which chakra is open and activating, green=heart, solar plexus=yellow, crown=purple etc.,

    When you can see a rainbow, that means all your chakras are aligning and your third eye is also aligning to be able to see the colours in the first place.
    After continued meditation, an electric dark blue spot will pop up in the centre which is the colour showing your third eye chakra is aligning further. This spot will start to then pop up with your eyes open through further meditation.

    The third eye is the gift from life when you are on the journey both externally and internally, to your Highest Self! Love yourself, and be kind, Make your affirmations, be the awareness behind your emotions, believe in yourself that you can manifest whatever you want 🙂

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