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Forums Forums Mediums Did anyone wake up as a child and see smokey/ misty figures at the end of their bed at night?

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    I've been trying to find answers about a peculiar childhood experience and came to Reddit to see if anyone else can relate. I've gotten some pretty interesting answers, and I was recently told that it might be helpful to post here. Since I was a kid, I've had intensely vivid dreams.

    Between ages 8-10, I encountered something strange. In the dead of night, I'd wake up to find several misty figures at the foot of my bed. They seemed to be engaged in conversation, but frustratingly, I couldn't make out their words. It used to terrify me. This definitely wasn’t sleep paralysis; I had full mobility. I would often go and wake my mom up. She has recently told me that she experienced the same thing when she was around the same age.

    After multiple occurrences, I decided to address them one night. I told them it was okay to watch over me as I slept, but I'd prefer not to see them. Strangely, I never saw them again after that night.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience or encountered mysterious visitors during childhood? Would love to hear your stories and thoughts!

Reply to: garden_fairy_333
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