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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Discovering abilty to Manifest

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    I’ve never really thought of myself as a witch. I’ve always felt a deep affinity with nature even though I now live in a city. I can grow things pretty well, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say I have a green thumb… maybe the desire to develop one, sure. I don’t have an altar. I don’t have crystals. I don’t have anything for spells. I’ve been humming about getting a tarot deck for a few years now and have only just found one that *maybe* speaks to me.

    My point is that if I have power, I’ve never been in touch with it. Until now? Maybe? Thanks to the pandemic and needing to slow the eff down.

    A group of women introduced me to the idea of manifesting and *yeah, I poo-poo’ed the fuck out of that idea.* Then I gave it a shot, cause why not, what did I have to lose? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I put the request for a conscientious partner into the world and… lo and behold, they appeared. I’ve even told him that I manifested him. He laughs, but… I know. I think he’s secretly scared I might manifest someone else.

    Then when I was with my sister (also witchy, far more than me) out in Colorado this year, we hiking in a good area to see Moose. I’d never seen a moose before! Well, we couldn’t find one, but we decided to make our case to the Moose Gods to send one to our hike later in the day. We named the place. The time. We were very specific. And as we were hiking up to that mountain lake, a group of people came down, breathless, and told us to be careful when we approached the lake *because there was a bull and a cow off to one side.*

    WE. MANIFESTED. THAT!! *TWO* of them. Right where we asked!

    And tonight, my sister told me she’s started making plans to leave her abusive boyfriend and friends, I tell you, I have been on this sub asking for spells for her strength and courage to find herself again when that wonderful witch (I’m sorry, I don’t remember the username) does their monthly (?) open requests. I have written it down. I have put my energy into the world. And I’ll continue to do so until she walks out that door, but tonight I am thankful. I’m thankful to the women who introduced me to what is clearly a source of power. I’m thankful to the women who have cast spells for me. And I’m thankful that my sister is on her way to becoming whole again – if all goes well. It could get dangerous, so I’m asking for your energies to keep her safe and keep her strong.

    And finally… Hi. I’m secretactorian, I’m 32 and finally realizing / accepting that I might be a witch?

  • Discovering abilty to Manifest

  • ReadingWhileKnitting

    December 24, 2021 at 9:31 pm

    Sending much love to your sister, and courage at this difficult and challenging time.
    And congratulations! It’s a wonderful weird (or wyrd) world, isn’t it 😄🧙‍♀️

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