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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Divination and how to use it

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    Divination is breaking the barrier between the world of the seen and spoken and the mystical, subconscious, instinctual and simbolic. Divination is finding a common ground with the supranatural, the beyond the seen forms of existence.

    Therefore, divination is having sometimes too much symbolism to it and understanding it might not always be the easiest thing to do. Especially as a beginner.

    Don’t panick. Take a deep breath and start taking notes. Even pictures, if it helps you, or you can’t let the tools out in the open. Write what you see, what are the first impressions. If there’s something that has structure, like Tarot, write the main words that describe the cards and try to find a connection.

    Build a story out of trinkets, images, feelings, smells, assumptions, you can’t see the big picture, but you can definetly feel if or how the pieces make sense when put next to each other.

    Don’t be afraid to let them sit for a moment. Take a break, open a window, enjoy some music, some fresh air, let the Universe grow the message your instinct caught but the conscious mind is not ready yet to hear it.

    Put yourself in there. Walk with the pieces. Let the universe unfold around you and in you. Trust that the path will lead you to the answer.

    Don’t second guess yourself. Any card is as good as any other card. If it fell so obvious and it felt like belonging there (sometimes I feel it as rain traveling from my heart/stomach to my fingertips and into the divination answer piece).

    Your divination tool of choice is an extension of yourself. Let it speak to you. Let your instinct guide you towards the light of the answer you seek.

    Since it relies so much on images, archetypes and symbols, research what those figures mean to you. Think about your experience with it, the culture you’re in (like, if you talk to an egyptian god or with a greek, you might wanna research what that particular symbol means in that specific background).

    You give meaning to things. When receiving a message from the universe, take your time to filter it through your own frame of mind in order to understand it better. That’s when you’re reading or seeking for yourself.

    When reading for others, put yourself in their shoes. You gotta try become the person you’re reading for. Surrender yourself and allow the universe to speak through you with the person you’re divinating for. It’s easier if you know how the specific person feels like in terms of vibe. Everyone has a different pattern, to the energy they have to how they move or smell, of talk.

    Is not always an easy task, but being connected with the whole universe around is one of the best feelings in the world.

  • Divination and how to use it

  • nation543

    June 22, 2023 at 5:17 pm

    I would say that a good quick definition of Divination would be using tools to receive and interpret messages from divine/esoteric beings and/or what one recognizes as the afterlife.

    When something keeps screaming at you in the back of your mind, and when your tools say the same thing, you gotta trust your intuition and say what needs to be said.

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