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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Divination states something but reality is something else

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    Hello everyone, I’m currently working on a magickal project and I’ve bee dling pendulum readings and also asking deities and demons almost every single day, and it all says that my project is working and will be completed soon.
    A friend does readings using his pendulums, and gets the same answers.
    2 other friends use their tarot cards, get the same answers.
    Now I ask strangers for readings in case the readings are biased, guess what, same answers.

    Anything else related to this project is also turning in my favour positively, it all says that thin gtfo a are going as planned and it shall happen soon.

    Yet in the current reality in dont necessarily see a big difference.

    I know that Lucifer, aphrodite, lord Asmodeus and Prince sitri won’t lie about this working, and these many readings from many different people cannot be false.

    So why is it that the current reality shows something else? Is it just because it’s a sloe behind the scenes process? Am I worried over nothing?

    How do I learn to have more unshakeable faith and confidence. (I usually do but then it’s worrying when the current reality sometimes goes the opposing direction ).

  • Divination states something but reality is something else

  • FlurriesofFleuryFury

    October 20, 2021 at 8:37 pm

    When I get messages from the cards like that (I don’t do the other forms of divination you talked about, props to you though) that seem completely off, it reminds me that the cards are telling me the future, not just responding to ~my~ questions.

    I think there might be a twist or turn in your path very shortly. There may be something coming to completion that you didn’t even notice happening.

    Best of luck!

  • Squishy-Cthulhu

    October 20, 2021 at 8:37 pm

    What makes you think you’re talking to

    >Lucifer, aphrodite, lord Asmodeus and Prince sitri

    You say you contact these entities multiple times a day? That’s not really very believable to me, sorry.

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