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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Do not give Tarot readers fake questions

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    Sorry, a bit of a rant.

    I have a lot of actually serious questions to get to and this one person decided to play me. “Will me and Julian be together?” I pulled “4 of Pentacles Reversed”. I will read this as “no, because there will be greed and material issues in this relationship” and not the last meaning of “4 of Pentacles” which is “limitation”, AKA my client inventing a guy named Julian.

    This is really not the “gotcha” that you think it will be, for after I pull the card I will assume that you are a sane individual asking me a serious question and not a hypothetical, therefore I will interpret it seriously. And as I am interpreting it seriously, I will discard keywords that could tell me that the situation is hypothetical or fake.

  • Do not give Tarot readers fake questions

  • MoonsEnvoy

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    I had a former friend who asked me to give her a reading. I went over and asked her to tell me her question. She said “I don’t want to tell you. It’s none of your business.”

    I was like, ummm, okay then. Just know I’m a beginner and it would help me orient myself.

    “If you really have to know, your cards will tell you right?”

    The cards boiled down to, you’re having a rough time but your family and friends support you, as long as you work on your issues it will work out fine. She got angry because “it’s way of the mark”. Turned out she had depression and low self esteem issues, but also no desire to put any work in herself. She told me a few weeks later “I thought your cards had to tell me I’d be doing amazing soon”. Former friend for a reason

  • chan_jkv

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    So, I used to read professionally and I agree you learn to spot people who just want to be an asshole for their own entertainment. But hey, they’ve already given me their money, so we’re doing this now. Sometimes they’d leave believing, someone’s not.

    But I’m also a reader who doesn’t need a question, necessarily. I have some people come in and they’d have this look, like they DESPERATELY wanted to ask a question but were afraid to say it out loud. So, I’d tell them I just needed them to think about the question as they shuffled their cards and then picked the cards for the spread. These readings are always a little more vague than when I know the question, but they still work. It’s just more up to the other person to interpret instead of leaning more on my knowledge and experience.

  • kai-ote

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    “Do not give Tarot readers fake questions”.

    AKA, be honest. Not giving any question is one thing. Flat out lying is another. Very few things make me as angry as liars. And we all need to find our own methods for dealing with them.

    Good luck. I hope you run into few of that type of “person”. BB.

  • ElegantDimensions

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    I completely agree with OP, but I raise my eyebrow at those of you who imply that somebody not wanting to share their question must be trying to mess with the reader. I actually don’t even ask people to tell me their question; and if I need to know my cards either tell me what it is or make it clear I need to ask.

    One woman didn’t tell me her question because she was trying to decide if she should get married to a man who was ‘potentially’ problematic in order to stay in a country when her current documents for being there expired. I straight up asked her, “Are you here on a student visa? And is it about to expire?” And then, when she said yes and explained the wider situation, I told her, “I don’t know what other potential solutions you will be presented with (other than “not zero”) but that would be the worst of the lot. Do not marry that man. He’s been abusive and creepy toward you (she didn’t tell me that part, my cards did, but it was very correct, it turned out) and you aren’t even dating. Imagine how much worse it would be if you were married. Especially under these circumstances.” She thanked me profusely for that answer because she had been unable to tell if she was being crazy to reject the offer (he had already been gaslighting her significantly), but the reading confirmed her instincts, plus gave her hope that there might be not just one but several other options.

    Now most people’s reasons for not sharing their question unless you tell them they have to in order to get a reading are more along the lines of “feeling awkward”….. but this woman had a very good reason for not up and telling me what her question was at first. Moral of the story: If you cannot do the specific reading in front of you without knowing their question and they don’t tell you, then they don’t **need** the reading, even if they could benefit from it. When you need to know the question to do the reading, and they really *need* the reading….. you’ll know the question— whether because they tell you themselves or not.

    Also…. With time….. You learn to practically smell the people who want to play games. And you just don’t give them readings at all. Or -and this is much more fun- you DO read for them but ask your own question, and then render them into a state of “fuckor” by coming for their whole life with that reading. Much more useful to their learning too, most of the time. But too much time and energy to spend on the average example of the type of person who would BOTHER asking a fake question.

  • LotusSloth

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    Asking false questions is entirely counterproductive. If someone is looking for proof of the legitimacy of Tarot readings then they should enter with an open mind and then judge the accuracy/reality of the reading after several weeks or months have passed.

  • celestina215

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    ^^ This is why I make people pay upfront for readings.

    Way fewer people are willing to pay money just to be a dick.

  • EliSunz

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    False questions… interesting. Maybe someone’s already tried this on me. I am uncertain.

    It’s a thing people do. There are pranksters who think their sceptical shenanigans have some kind of effect besides annoyance and time wasting. As though they proved anything. For them I just hold up a mirror… sounds like you did this as well. Recently did a reading for someone who didn’t want to tell me their question at all. Fine… someday I’m sure someone will try to ambush me. They’ll have to bear the brunt of my wit and analysis of their activities.

    Comedians have hecklers and they have ways to deal with them. There’s always someone like this floating around being a fly pestering people at their picnic. Carry a bug zapper…

  • Squishy-Cthulhu

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    A had a few clients contact me and it was always concerning someone with a food name. Jonny strawberry, Tom apple, that kind of thing. I just leave those people on read.

  • courpy

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    My personal favorite is when someone asks you for a reading and then chooses to not take it seriously at all. I’m all for having fun during a reading, but some readings just feel “off” to me and I realized I was just matching with the energy of the querrent who didn’t care what the cards had to say mid-reading. It’s a smack in the face, honestly. You put in your time and energy to be insightful all for the other person to not appreciate your service.

  • bluejen

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    I remember reading a story on Reddit by someone who hated astrology (fine, that’s their right) and they worked in an office with people who talked about astrology (probably just their sun signs) and to prove it’s wrong, he lied about his birthday. And it worked as far as he could tell because would be like, “omg that’s so Leo of you!” when he wasn’t a Leo.

    It really gets under my skin because he didn’t really expose astrology as a sham… he just exposed people who think they understand astrology when they don’t.


    Personally I feel this is some kind of maniacally insecure behavior. If you don’t like astrology then fine. Just don’t talk about it with people.

    If you think tarot is stupid then just leave tarot readers alone.

    It’s like when atheists wanna grill Christians on “well why would this happen or why would God do this or why does it make sense that you can do this but not that,” etc.

    How about: Why do these people feel so insecure that you get their rocks off on making people look stupid?

    If they’re so smart, they’d know how to spend their time better. Life is short. Why spend it being a bully?

  • RicottaPuffs

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    You are just fine ranting. Rant away.

    This post struck me as relevant. I am a psychic medium and I have had a few readings like this. The deception about identity, gender, fake questions, the insistence on telling me how to do my readings. I am professional. but have lost my cool, once or twice. I just stop the reading. It is a service. I can choose to provide it. It is something i do to help people. I don’t do it as a day job. It takes time from my few hours off work and I don’t like the games.

    Everyone reads differently. I see spirit through the client. (I should learn to use my cards).

    With one reading, the client rescheduled three times. On the day of the actual appointment, (I was not going to allow another reschedule), I could not see any souls at all. I saw nothing. She was blocking so hard. She told me that she was blocking to make sure that I was really psychic. So, that was the first disappointment.

    I asked her for a relationship to a spirit, (no names) or a question to try to get through.

    She replied that that was not how this worked. Really? Really?

    So tell me how you have decided that my readings work. Go ahead. You tell me how.

    I told her that I was not interested in playing her game. (With me that is the equivalent of a temper tantrum on my part).

    She said she had waited three weeks for a reading with me. I told her she had jerked me around for three weeks and that there would be no reading, and to go and play somewhere else.

    I understand testing a reader. I do. I don’t understand sabotaging your own reading.

  • Swanbird788

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    Eventually as time goes by you will be able to recognise the fake and the real. And occasionally someone will throw you off course.

    So Don’t apologize for ranting.

    It’s good you are making other tarot readers aware that a shallow minded individual likes to play games and test the accuracy of tarot.

    What they don’t understand is you were correct in your reading because “4 of pentacles” means they are closed minded and guarded.

    And 4 of pentacles isn’t just about finances or materials but also points out a person’s outlook.

    And the person who came to you with their fake agenda was guarded and close minded to your reading and so threw in a fake question to catch you out.

    But I only see them as looking foolish.

    So I hope they see this post and these comments.

    Your reading wasn’t inaccurate. Your cards pointed out their fakeness before you knew. Cards know when something is off.

    And if they think your still inaccurate they need to look at the true and all meanings of 4 of pentacles.

    I also see 4 of pentacles as a message to you as well.

    Be guarded against these fakers.

    Hope your alright.

  • elrabb22

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    When this has happened to me astrological – though not tarot – I have prayed for an outcome in the reading that was true even though the premise is a fraud. This has worked for me in the long term. I did have the benefit of knowing the querent was a “liar” via various means even via their questions ahead of time. But, for people who read who are also praying people, I think it’s just helpful to always check for this in general. Not even from a non trusting perspective, just so you have an accurate foundation before you start.

  • The_Endor_Witch

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    I read ‘professionally’. If someone wastes my time (And theirs) it becomes very apparent within minutes. My policy is to move on, and tell them to go elsewhere. A pro tip: Have people pay up front with a ‘no cancellation & no refund’ policy, so you can weed out the types of people who try to do this. I also have a disclaimer and policy page for my clients so as to protect myself from any BS. I’ve never had any issues, but it’s better to be safe.

  • ashleton

    January 15, 2022 at 11:34 am

    What my mom does is have the person she’s reading for hold the deck of cards while they focus on what they want to know before she lays the cards. She never lets them ask out loud what they want because that influences her interpretation of the reading.

    Hope this helps in some way.

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