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    Do what must be done…

  • Do what must be done…

    agawl81 updated 2 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 23 Replies
  • lappy-lazuli

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    I was warned by my exes ex before we started dating and ignored it. I wish I didn’t she was 100% on the money

  • TrepanningForAu

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    I think of this whenever I think of the lady who reached out to me after my ex got arrested for assault again. She managed to find every woman he dated to see if they had any corroborating stories and of the people who did, several of us came forward (no judgement to the others for just wanting to move on, they have my support too). I really do feel like we are a coven and I look forward to finally meeting them when this is all over (doing so now could jeopardize our cases).

    The only thing he’s afraid of is prison so I’ll certainly take the legal option-we don’t need a sea, since he can drown under the weight of his own actions.

  • ToTheIs_Land

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    I feel like this is a running theme of Fiona Apple’s album Fetch The Bolt Cutters from last year (and one I really appreciated!)

    Instead of being snide about the newer younger women who will be next to end up with her shitty ex(es), she approaches them with some compassion and also tries to have compassion for who she was/what she was thinking when she ended up in that situation too. There is a certain amount of sisterhood in that, if you approach it the right way.

  • ouchieoomyfeet

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    My sister was friends with my ex’s SO before me. She tried to warn me off of him, but he had already told me a twisted version of events that made him a lot more sympathetic and given me a sob story about how much he regretted what happened, so I didn’t listen to her.

    Ofc he was abusive. I didn’t find out what he *actually* did to his ex until after we had broken up, and I was so upset at myself for not hearing my sister out. If I had known the truth, I could have avoided so much fucking anguish.

    I didn’t publicly tell anyone the extent of what he did, but our old roommate told a bunch of people that he had cheated on me. His next SO heard all about it from a bunch of concerned people, but she waved it off, telling them all that I made that up because I’m a crazy liar. Poor girl was with him for years. I never worked up the nerve to talk to her since I knew what she thought of me, but I hope she’s okay.

  • dundreggen

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    I tried warning a woman that her boyfriend, my ex, was a pedophile obsessed with her child (and the only way I could have known details about said child was if he told me)

    She called me a cunt.

  • Caregiverrr

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    My ex just married his fifth wife, so is 4 considered a quorum for a coven or do we just wait for the fifth to become available?

  • Virgoan

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    A girl sent me a Facebook message about my ex asking if he behaved the same way with me and wanted my side of the stories he told about me. She said she hated me for breaking his heart. I laid it all out, the emotional abuse, the rape, damaging my things, stealing money, all of it.

    She said she still loved him so she wanted to get back with him. after all I said, I told her I can’t help her anymore and blocked her. It wasn’t my burden to carry anymore.

  • Cuntillious

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    TW sexual assault >!Had a rapist who went to my high school (student) and raped multiple girls over his four years there and assaulted many more. Nothing more frustrating than being treated like you’re just trying to create drama when you tell other girls that he’s a creep.!<

  • Skinny-Minnie

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    A mentor of mine told me to avoid working with a particular problematic PhD advisor and you bet your ass I’m forwarding that info along.

  • CozmicOwl16

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    So mote it be.

  • QuokkaNerd

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    Would have been nice to get a warning. Seriously. I wish someone had warned me.

  • Un_Pta

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm


  • saintofhate

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    I remember decades ago when I first got involved with the kink scene, a lady warning me and a now ex friend that some guys were abusive, too bad she didn’t include herself on that list

  • BasilGreen

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    My abusive ex got married about two years after I made my escape. I never reached out, I thought that maybe if he found aomeone willing to marry him that perhaps he’d sought help and was really working through his shit.


    A year or so after he got married, his wife wrote to me, asking for my help. He had gotten physically abusive with one of her kids, fired from two jobs for being creepy around the girls (he works with teens), and was, apart from his constant emotional manipulation, abuse and gaslighting, also stealing money from her/their joint account.

    I told her what I’d been through and we met up. It was so healing for both of us. We agreed that if we found out he was seeing someone else, we’d get in touch with her and just be honest. No one deserves to have happen to them what he does.

  • ifakeselfies

    June 15, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    Unrelated but there’s 10+ women going around talking smack about me. Ignore them.

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