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Forums Forums Psychic Do you feel drained or that your thoughts are not your own?

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    Do you feel drained or that your thoughts are not your own?

  • Do you feel drained or that your thoughts are not your own?

    Kekybogle updated 4 years ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • Kekybogle

    January 28, 2021 at 5:49 pm

    Do you feel drained? Are you having thoughts and feelings that don’t feel like your own?
    When we create a relationship with someone, friends, lovers or even if you have a short, but emotionally powerful interaction with a relative stranger, this creates an energetic connection between you. An invisible binding, a blend of your energies. This is how we sense other people’s needs and desires, we feel it via this energetic exchange.
    Couples are so intertwined they can finish each others sentences, and sense each others thoughts. If you have an all-consuming meet cute or even an argument with a stranger, these bonds can be made in an instant. You will literally be able to feel the emotions of the other person, the love, the anger- everything.
    Have you ever felt a continued exhaustion after helping a friend in distress? Or extreme elation after hearing someone else’s good news?
    If the exchange was a pleasant one, great, if not, that might not be your fear, rage or confusion you’re feeling. The inherited emotions all depend on the quality of that interaction.
    If any of this strikes a chord, use this prayer/instruction:
    “I call back any lost soul fragments, power or light now. Any vows, soul contracts, hexes, programs from the past or present, from this life or others that are not in the highest good of all, I relinquish now. Any power or light that I have willingly or unwillingly given away or had taken from me, I call back now. Any cords or attachments from this life or others, I release now for the highest good of all. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is.”

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