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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Do you think that experimental science will “debunk” occult in future?

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    I was inspired by two examples — 1. Ancient people used to think that storms are caused by Gods and rain is a curse that Gods are angry. 2. Someone mentioned that 400 years ago we didn’t know of germs and that billions trillions of germs are all around and over us, but now we do.

    Do you think that in future science will debunk occult practices? Will science ever discover what exactly are magick, intention, subconscious, unknown, mysterious, chaos that resides in those who practice occult? Is there a possibility that sometimes in future, the practice of tarot, for example, will be demystified and become ‘scientific’ where people can reflect their subconscious mind through a machine? I mean to say, can subconscious mind (the source of occult practices) ever become tangible? Like you could stick something to your body or there is a scanning machine that will show all the subconscious world and how information runs through chaos?


  • Do you think that experimental science will “debunk” occult in future?

  • underwatercookie

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    > Someone mentioned that 400 years ago we didn’t know of germs and that
    billions trillions of germs are all around and over us, but now we do.

    😀 dat me!!

    I was not expecting that comment to get so popular. I’m glad it did tho. It seemed to have been helpful for a lot of people.

  • FragrantShift6856

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Occult just means hidden knowledge, so probably not

  • zellynmermaid

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    To the comment about ancient people and angry gods: We don’t tend to give ancient people the credit they deserve but they were just as smart as we are today. They didn’t have the same culture or resources, but they weren’t stupid, and they weren’t a monolith in how they saw the world. I am not a scholar in mythology, but I think it’s probably a simplification of old religions when people say that ancient people invented gods and curses to blame things for things like storms. There would have been people who believed in ancient religions completely literally, but just like with popular religions today there would have been people who viewed things as more of a metaphor. There were people who believed in science back then and experimented with the natural world as well.
    The stories in myths represent a lot more than just something to blame for natural phenomena. They are layered and often serve to personify the human perception of the world, natural, supernatural, and social. They provide morals, they lay out cultural taboo, they entertain and provide explanations of life to children, they comfort, provide guidance, and give life direction. Myths are culture, so whether or not Zeus is throwing lightning or there’s electricity in the atmosphere, science can’t disprove what the myth holds as far as values and lessons and repeating patterns that extend all the way into now.

  • hyalur0nique

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    “science” is a construct as much as “magick”. both are a way of understanding the world through testing and observation. there are societies that didn’t need to understand the existence of germs in order to access an extensive knowledge of plant medicine or the way diseases work. science and magick are two different languages but they can speak the same truths.

  • Few_Big7308

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    I believe magic and the occult are just universal laws in action …. ✨with flair✨

    The logical explanation would be that in rituals, you are concentrating so much intention and energy into physical items that it gives your manifestations a boost. Rituals and customs practiced by many are EVEN stronger. You are piggybacking on the great energy already put into these things.
    Someone skilled in manifestation can create the same effects by intention alone. Someone less skilled can create desired effects by recreating someone else’s ritual.
    Most skilled in the craft use a combination of both!

  • harperthegoodwitch

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Magick, imo, is just using intention as ritual. More studies come out every year that shows that our intentions and attitude creates our conditions.

  • Cheezzzecake

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    I think the occult will debunk experimental science soon…

  • Tindomiel723

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Debunk? Or rename? Maybe the witch who prescribed some magik potion with natural antimicrobial properties did magik, or maybe she just had knowledge passed down and a knack for the scientific method? There are so many variables. What if dark matter really matters? Call it one thing or another, if you can produce a measurable effect, what does it matter?

  • MobileApricot532

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Probably. But I’m not bothered by this. If it works then it works. Whether it’s by magical forces or just tricking your mind to overcome a hurdle, to me it doesn’t matter.

  • Venustarr_777

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm


  • Vegetable-Floor-5510

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Possibly, but not in the immediate future.

  • Auntjj

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    I’m reminded of that System of a Down song, Science. The line, science has failed the earth, is because the spirit of all things is forgotten as science will not recognize the energy and spirit of life. Until that happens, the occult will still be standing in the corner, waving it’s hands waiting for the rest to acknowledge it.

  • Squirrels-on-LSD

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Scientist here!

    Spirit and science are not mutually exclusive ideas and are quite different realms of human experience.

    Science is the meticulous study of the working of Material Reality. Science aims to discover through experimentation the reproducible and quantifiable effects to best determine the inherent nature and rules of the material world.

    Magick is the meticulous study of the rationally unexplainable subjective experiences of humanity. Magick is at it’s very core, those events that are not reproducible or quantifiable. What gets called “high strangeness”, “coincidence”, and “paranormal”. One-off events and a human striving to manifest these unusual occurrences.

    Some soft sciences (psychology) and theoretical sciences (quantum physics) show characterizations of both of these differences. Over time, yes, more theoretical science ideas get moved from the more “difficult to reproduce or quantify” sections of study to the “reproducible and reliable” side of science. This will never discredit old understandings (built in the knowledge base of their times) or new discoveries (which may or may not be valid once tested against varying methods).

    Humans can’t perceive the whole of reality. Science is pinning down the exact rules of nature and the universe. Magick is guessing at and playing with that which is unperceived. Science is understanding a chemical released in your brain will see unusual colors. Magick is seeing those colors and appreciating the wonder at the experience.

  • Ermithecow

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    “It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done” – Tery Pratchett.

  • chronarchy

    August 7, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Science of the future will debunk today’s science, too. That’s the general order of things.

    The world is constantly demystified, but there are always greater mysteries to be had. I suspect that we’ll just find more things to be mystified with, and that is kinda cool.

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