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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Does anybody know how you could go about warding yourself against a particular energy? Like keeping a particular tendency about yourself you donโ€™t like at bay with some kind of shield? Or even also warding your home against it.

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    Like I want to ward against seeing myself as a victim/getting stuck in the victim mentality. Which causes me to not take responsibility for myself and stay stuck in the past/ruminating on anger and pain and revenge, instead of building a better life for myself.

    I was thinking I could add that intention to my shield, or do something with removing the energy from me and then healing up the wound in myself. But maybe there is a better way.

    Edit: I just remembered about fire ceremony. Someone taught me how to do that and I totally forgot. Thatโ€™s supposed to be a great way to let go of things and let the fire to the heavy lifting in supporting you to move on/let go

  • Does anybody know how you could go about warding yourself against a particular energy? Like keeping a particular tendency about yourself you donโ€™t like at bay with some kind of shield? Or even also warding your home against it.

  • OkHunter8299

    August 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    For rumination:

    Pick your soul stone. Walk a distance from your house, at least 500 meters, then from there try to walk a spiral shape around your house such that it ends at your door (you can use gmaps to draw the route).

    Once at home place your stone on a shelf by the door, it may not touch the ground.

    When the rumination increases again it’s time to charge the stone again.

  • ThunderStormBlessing

    August 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    You own tendencies are part of yourself, wards won’t work much. Shadow work may be a better approach to root out where your victim mentality comes from and figure out how to deal with it. If you tend to ruminate, then you’re already trying on a subconscious level to do this, but you might have to be more intentional and go deeper.

  • MrGlacies

    August 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    i would go at it in 2 possible ways.

    cancel out/ward out the thought = mental ward, simple spell that basically helps you forget something, or distance a thought from yourself

    counter the thought with its opposite = affirmation spells + meditative spells to change how you perceive yourself

    you should choose which one suits best your situation, but you can integrate both. As for a ward on your home unless you specifically have trouble warding that mentality when youโ€™re at home/your home has some sort of link to this situation i wouldnt bother warding my home. you better off concentrating on keeping up the mental wards, as they ask for maintenance and an effort to keep up

  • BadMawma

    August 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Youโ€™ve got great advice here so far, but I wanted to add my own too, as someone overcome by anger for too long (divorce)

    Iโ€™ve just recently discovered and applied the concept of being the witness of your thoughts. A fear or an infuriating memory/thought pops up, you acknowledge it for what it is and release it.

    The easiest example I have is summer=spiders and at bedtime, Iโ€™d have those anxieties and recall scary spider in the bed stories. So Iโ€™ve started acknowledging the thought saying, ya this is just my fear coming back and let it go and think about something else. Sometimes I add a visualization of thoughts leaving my mind.

    Being able to acknowledge your intrusive thoughts (anger, fear) sort of as a third party (a witness) has allowed me to not get swept up in that anger cycle or paranoia. This, and general cleansing and protection has made a night and day difference and I hope for the very best for you too. The very notion that youโ€™ve identified this as a problem in your life starts you worlds ahead of the game! Good luck.

  • Tarotgirl_5392

    August 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Shadow work and self care. (So important to do both together) and figure out what triggers the mentality

    Write down a situation where you felt victimized. Beat for beat exactly how you remember it happening. Burn the paper you wrote it on and say *The past is gone and can’t be changed. I take my future into my hands and choose my way*

  • LadyChihiro123

    August 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    I was watching a YouTube video about banishing a bad habit. Might be a different angle or idea ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • AnnoyedChihuahua

    August 20, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Witchcraft isnt at odds with therapy OP, maybe try a sweetening spell with all good things about you or try to banish a list of thoughts, but also if you find yourself ruminating that’s not a nice way to live and therapy works wonders ๐Ÿ’• I speak from my own experience and but Im just very new to this practice.

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