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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Does anyone feel a link between your higher/spiritual self and LSD?

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    I’ve had a lot of experience with lsd and my thoughts are; I feel a lot more connected to my higher self and I can see things that aren’t there. And for those who would say “yes drugs will do that to you” I understand that. I don’t mean I see full hallucinations from nothing, I see little things like light reflection that could symbolize an energy or fae. I definitely feel a separation between being a Wiccan and being high but I also feel like lsd gives you an insight or mentality of something bigger than me, a basic human. Thoughts?

  • Does anyone feel a link between your higher/spiritual self and LSD?

  • VanHeldance

    March 20, 2022 at 5:49 am

    I think they touched on something like this in the fantastic fungi document, along with the theory that it was shrooms that lead to early humans experiencing spirituality in the first place iirc. I dont have any LSD experience myself nor am i looking to change it, so thats all i can give you ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • tatertotsnhairspray

    March 20, 2022 at 5:49 am

    You all would enjoy the work of Stanislav and Christina Grof, especially related to psychedelics and spiritual emergence! Try their books The Stormy Search for Self, & The Transpersonal Vision…and Weirdly or maybe not weirdly at all, I think I see a similar little light or twinkle in the room from time to time after this vivid lucid dream I had once where the message was that light is a presence of spirit or something and I feel the same way about it

  • sojayn

    March 20, 2022 at 5:49 am

    Just my anecdata – i have adhd and lsd is gorgeous but also not that remarkable for me. Yes i agree, when the ego brain has to shush for a while it is important. However non-neurotypicals are familiar with this state and wish you be kinder to our everyday foibles as a result!

  • jnpecho

    March 20, 2022 at 5:49 am

    Yes I have had some spiritual journeys on LSD. I have had conversations with the moon and the devil. I could feel a croud of people like a river and surf the tides. I could control my aura and meditate until nothingness became full.

  • raccoonladycarissa

    March 20, 2022 at 5:49 am

    I definitely feel like acid helps me get in touch with the divine if for no other reason than it helps me get in touch with myself. I’m not really sure if I’m still Muslim (that’s why I’m in this sub lol) but I did once try to struggle through Salah while tripping because I was having a total breakdown and it took a long time, I could barely remember all the Arabic, and it was INTENSE emotionally. In that moment I thought I understood what prophets felt when they prayed. I just stood/bowed/prostrated until I remembered what words I was supposed to say in that position and didn’t leave until I did, and I think it took at least 45 minutes to complete. And since I was struggling to remember what to say so much I had to think really hard about what it meant. It was honestly incredible. 10/10 would recommend praying or meditation or doing rituals while tripping, everything made sense during that hour or so.

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