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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Does anyone feel different by being “mainstream” and not “counter “

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    I’ve been to a couple pagan meetups and it seems everyone is really counter mainstream. Guys with black fingernails, colored hair on girls, etc. I’m trying to get into it but I’m pretty basic as they come (lol). Worked in finance, favorite artist is Taylor Swift etc)

    Anyone have any advice?

  • Does anyone feel different by being “mainstream” and not “counter “

  • logiforged

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    Just be yourself. You don’t need to change who you are to fit someone else’s image. If you look at any one of me or my friends that practice you couldn’t tell any one of us are into an alternative faith.

  • witchinghomo

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    At the core of it it’s not about culture or counter culture it’s about the art of it all. If you’re not learning magic and philosophy off of each other then it’s probably not the best scene to be in

  • tee_naks

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    Be you!

    I for example am a fun melange of jeweler, administrative assistant, obstacle course runner, etc. I tend to dress like either a “California skater teen”, “80’s cheerleader off duty”, or “desert/prairie queen” but I like what was once considered “ghetto” acrylic nail styles. I like pop punk as much as I like country and southern rap and also quite like Taylor Swift.

    I wasn’t ever happy, and by extension I was less powerful, when I tried to stifle any parts of me to fit into someone else’s “quotation marks”. Love your numbers and your TSwift to the fullest!

  • OriginalNinjaCat

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    I was in a sorority, I enjoyed all the things young people did back in my day, and I didn’t dress like I just robbed a Hot Topic….and that was weird in the spellcasting world supposedly. Then when I started writing my own blog, and teaching others I came to realize there are a lot of Soccer moms, and suit and tie type guys, and totally “normie” types (preppy, trendy, mainstream, all of it,) who also enjoy spellcasting. I think it’s that some people really just love to stand out and love the “spooky” feeling or the counterculture feel, but it doesn’t make you less to enjoy mainstream stuff. No worries.

  • witchesforbernie

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    No, I’m a queer neurodivergent ex-social worker turned IT consultant turned tarot/astro reader that has been an occult-adjacent oddball their entire life (despite my love for some Taylor Swift), so I feel like a witch – not mainstream or counter, simply a witch.

  • strbrrylmnade

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    babes, you don’t need to change a thing. i’ve been practicing since i was 13 and my favourite musician is dodie, i watch barbie movies religiously, and i’m obsessed with disney. there is no right or wrong way to express yourswlf

  • Redux-rainbow

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    The aesthetic is fun but I don’t have it either. I prefer to be “hidden in plain sight”.


    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    I’m Very peppy, blonde, favorite color is pink, makeup, designer bags, bubble gum pop. I’ve never been welcomed more than in our community tho. Everyone is just so incredible and loving and ready to help and give advice.

  • d0nttp4n1c

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    Hi, I’m also a very “average” person. I’m a nurse, I’m a “basic white millennial woman” (as TikTok would probably describe me) who has plain brown hair, and a mainstream wardrobe, and loves pop music and classic rock. I have no advice because there’s nothing to change 🙂 Being a witch isn’t about your aesthetic, it’s just about what makes you happy in your personal practice.

  • Hibernian-King

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    I don’t follow the “look” at all. I’m a middle age, white collar, suburban dad and I look pretty corporate even dressed down. I can rationalize this a bit. I’m a Druid and we’re supposed to be leaders and advisors. The one entity that reached out to me also basically made it known that her followers are bosses.

    Any of the groups that are descended from freemason practices are also or at least used to be suit and tie groups. I don’t dwell on it much.

    I usually get weird looks at occult bookstores and I’ve started avoiding them. Every once in a while though I come across someone and we just give each other a bit of a look and nod. Love those people.

  • PypeReedMorgan

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    Psh, sometimes I’m mainstream and sometimes I wish dancing naked in the woods didn’t mean getting eaten by bears (have you seen Season 8 of Alone? Grizzlies are no joke, neither are cougars).

    Usually people perceive me as non-conforming based on my looks and disabilities, so I had that going against me already.

    Truth is, whether I’m dressed in a bright rainbow dress or jeans and a regular t-shirt, people know me for my love and friendship.

    It takes all sorts to make a whole

  • phantom-antlers

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    noone would ever guess i’m a witch haha. some people actually think i’m christian because i’m pretty reserved and usually seen as a ‘nice guy’. i dress basic bc it’s what makes me feel safe and what i can afford, and my taste in music, though it’s diverse, is not just occult/pagan themed music. bc none of this has to do with magic. i think we can express magic in our daily lives by our actions and things that have personal meaning to us, it’s not an aesthetic – hell, some of the best green/kitchen witches i’ve seen were tiny old women lol

    everyone expresses themselves differently, and there’s definitely an element of vanity as well and trying to feel ~special~ for some people. the universe doesn’t care if you listen to faun or taylor swift, if you’re in a polyamorous group or married to your high school crush lol

  • Xasvii

    July 5, 2021 at 1:51 am

    i’m pretty basic tbh too so i just try to wear things that show my beliefs more. like trinkets or bracelets necklaces etc my personality is so bubbly and extra that if i wear black my fiancé calls me his goth gf LOL

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