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Forums Forums Tarot Does Anyone Get A Word In On This Sub?

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    Right, so this is going to be a bit of a vent here, folks. I’m new to this sub, and from the last few days I’ve noticed that it doesn’t matter if my posts have an interpretation/description to them or not (referencing interpretation requests in particular), they’re either going to be manually removed or auto removed.

    Heck, it would surprise me not if this post survives 10 minutes. In fact, I’m not even holding my breath on it escaping the auto-filter.

    I posted one, it was manually removed, and then I posted a different one, and that one just got eaten by an auto mod. I get the whole 7-day rule thing, but is that not vetoed if your first post only survives 30 minutes?

    Also, how detailed do you guys want the interpretations? For some newbies that come here to LEARN, sometimes we haven’t yet developed a particular meaning/interpretation of certain cards. Maybe next time I’m asking something I’ll just make some shit up cause when it’s a genuine inquiry/confusion with an interpretation, it’s flagged.

    Way to promote learning on a sub where people come to, ya know, learn and share knowledge //sarcasm

    Another thought is perhaps personal bias affects moderating? I dunno, maybe they just don’t like something so hunger for control becomes a factor?

    I’m not upset or angry, just annoyed. I do not see the point in this sub if you can’t get a word through, and, for anyone else that feels the same, it has been brought to my attention that r/tarotpractice and r/tarotpractices are a far better alternative.

    They don’t seem to be policing people’s posts unless they’re severely inappropriate (like hate/harassment). Perhaps this sub should take a note from them because at the moment it’s just a disappointment.

    I see the unfollow button. It beckons.

    Anyone else have similar experiences?

  • Does Anyone Get A Word In On This Sub?

    ApollosCrown updated 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 8 Replies
  • __xor__

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    I usually just comment on other submissions, so I can’t say, but I do think this sub is a bit more heavily moderated than the average.

    But also I think there’s a reason for it. A lot of patterns come up.

    “Hey, buy my new deck I made!”

    “Hey, what deck is this from!”

    “Hey, look at this picture I drew of the <whatever card>!”

    “Hey, someone interpret these three cards I pulled because I’m new to this!”

    “Hey, contact me if you want spiritual guidance!”

    I feel like some of the megathreads that are dedicated to stuff like this make sense. I mean, you lurk for a couple months and you’d get sick of seeing 100 artistic interpretations of some tarot card whether they’re good or not. And it’s easy to get frustrated by really simple posts about three card spreads when that’s the most common thing people come here for, just some really really basic help interpreting something that is beginner level, not understanding the basic elements of cards and being happy with the most introductory interpretation going off biddy tarot. And it can be super frustrating when people are just trying to market themselves and make a few bucks on a sub where people want to do the same but for themselves for free. All power to people trying to make money off of it, but it quickly clutters what is probably more interesting to most here. It should be kept to people who actively look for that.

    And once you filter all that out, you get some interesting posts sometimes about different ways to use tarot, different themes that come up when doing tarot, people’s personal experiences, and just new ideas and higher level help interpreting stuff in ways that might be a bit alternative to the most basic ideas from the most common tutorial sites.

    I can see how that can be extremely frustrating for new people to this sub, especially people new to tarot, because they’re going to want to post things that end up being very common and get removed. Like you want help trying to interpret a celtic cross and want to know what order to lay out the cards or what some card might mean in this one spot, you’re asking a question that comes up every day. It might be all new and interesting and exciting to those people and it might really suck getting that post removed, but shit, it’s more about keeping the sub fun for everyone and beginners will be probably sick of the most common posts after two months of learning.

    In the end I appreciate some heavy moderation in a subreddit like this. It’s completely different field, but I see similar shit in /r/python where a lot of excited newbies come in with a lot of similar questions and get redirected to /r/learnpython and I feel for them but it makes /r/python a lot more interesting for me.

    Whether /r/tarot is too restrictive or not I dunno, I just think that sometimes subreddits can seem extremely rude to newbies when in fact those same newbies are going to highly appreciate those rules in 3 months when they have a good idea about basic tarot meanings and have read submissions here for a while. Hurts newbies, but helps people who decide to stick around for the longer term and you come to appreciate heavy moderation. They don’t do it for no reason – it’s a shit ton of work.

    I’d say lurk here longer, keep learning on your own and with help from a more newbie friendly sub, learn the sub rules more in depth so you can really argue if it’s wrongfully removed, and keep practicing on your own, reading up on each card you pull in depth. I wouldn’t hate on the subreddit until you’ve gone through more of the motions and stuck around for a while. In the end if you been here a bit and learned a lot and you still hate some rule, shit, bring it up with the mods and make your case because why not, you’re a part of the community that stuck around.

  • honorthecrones

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    The two subreddits you mention have a large volume of posts either advertising readings for money or asking for free readings. I lurk there but post here. Our moderators shut that stuff down and it is primarily the reason why I post here.

    I think it might just be a matter of getting used to the rules of the sub and understanding how to present your post. I love answering the newbies. Feel free to message me directly anytime you get confused. I have a stressful day job, but one of the ways I decompress from that is posting on reddit in the afternoon/evening when I get a break.

    Also, so not underestimate the wikis for this sub. Most newbie questions have been asked and answered a million times. This post has been up for 3 hours so you may have just broken the curse. There is a huge body of knowledge and experience that hangs out on this sub and I’d hate for you to miss out on that because of a crappy start to the adventure.

  • TheyveNotUsedFuji

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    They remove everything but posts asking if it’s okay to buy your own deck otlr if it’s okay to start with something other than a RWS.

  • omi_xochitl

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm


  • vladblack117

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    Yes!!!!! And thanks for the other subs!

  • Micklevandickle

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    I’ve definitely called a mod a fascist here before.

  • Starscall

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    As someone not particularly active on the sub or a lot of subs in general, I lurk more than anything else….

    What was your point of this? If you don’t like how a community is run, then don’t use that community. Especially if you have other communities you like better. Was it to promote those communities? Because if so there are definitely better ways to promote them than this.

    If you’ve questions and issues with the mods, there’s a spot to message the mods directly. To find out why your posts were removed and why they’ve made the choices that they have.

    This reads like a tantrum to me. I’m glad you’ve found communities you like better for those purposes. That’s great and I mean this sincerely, but this entire post just screams childish to me. “I don’t like how you’re running things so unless you run it the way I want I’m going to threaten to leave!” If you want to leave, leave. Don’t need to make an overdramatic flounce post about it. ????????‍♂️

  • ApollosCrown

    February 10, 2021 at 9:17 pm

    This sub gets filled with a lot of basic / already answered questions. Lots of new people here *constantly* asking the same rotation of questions and it does get kind of annoying. Especially when the questions are simple Google searches that you can do on your own…

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