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Forums Forums Mediums Does anyone have any reads on my dog? She died 4 years ago and I still don’t know how. I feel like it’s my fault… Lots of guilt at the moment. Its her four year death anniversary and I keep getting visions. If anyone can help me out that’d be great. ????

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    Does anyone have any reads on my dog? She died 4 years ago and I still don’t know how. I feel like it’s my fault… Lots of guilt at the moment. Its her four year death anniversary and I keep getting visions. If anyone can help me out that’d be great. ????

  • Does anyone have any reads on my dog? She died 4 years ago and I still don’t know how. I feel like it’s my fault… Lots of guilt at the moment. Its her four year death anniversary and I keep getting visions. If anyone can help me out that’d be great. ????

    PhoenixingAshes updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • WomanOfTechnicolor

    February 10, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    Yes I’m great with animals. There is no such thing as pain/ crime/ guilt in the Brighter World. This soul has already passed on and reincarnated. I’m seeing a 1/2 year old baby girl somewhere. Do not worry, this soul loves you❤️

  • PhoenixingAshes

    February 10, 2021 at 2:59 pm

    I am with womanofTechnicolor. I feel similarly to her, and I instantly picked up what she was saying, I most certainly agree with the new baby girl.

    But for you though, outside of the specific worries you hold for your little one in this photo, I see you are struggling and that this is simply a point of pinning down to something for rationalizing sake. You are holding these feelings and it is finding a way to bring to light and view via this heartfelt situation in order to demonstrate the suffering you are going through. This is something I feel strongly that you are connecting to this fear, guilt, sadness, loss, confusion etc because it has the most important sense of what you can and cannot control. And with that, I want to ask you if potentially you are having a hard time grieving the loss of a sense of self. Potentially that you have developed a sort of chronic pain/illness be it Physically represented or mentally/emotionally. I get a sense of fatigue and a struggle to stay connected to the now. I see a fear of being able to let go of the past, this being both the past you felt you should have had control over and the past that you feel you wish you had control over. Both bring to a sense of being in a struggle/battle with this, but there is something screaming at me right now stating almost as if you’re experiencing a fear of happiness and moving forward. Are you potentially feeling like if you laugh and smile and move forward it will feel like you are either “forgetting” (can’t think of the word I’m searching for but hopefully it’s not to confusing) or something like it’s wrong to be happy and move forward. The best way I can explain, is like if someone goes through something like a loss of a person/place/thing etc. That to have fun, laugh and enjoy life is as if you’re betraying the loss that was experienced. I have no idea if I’m wording this right, I see it in my head but I’m not sure how to convey my thoughts. I picture a girl who is in a living room and laughing and enjoying themselves almost like having abs hurting from actual deep laughter and happiness. Only to look around the room, and remember the hurt, like a fear of if you don’t hurt inside you might forget. And that you have been keeping yourself from some of the things you truly desire and have great abilities to achieve but hold yourself to a prison of the past. I also see an older I want to say female like presence, either a female or potentially a male who may have taken on the role of both a female and male position of hierarchy in your family life. Be it like a parent or grandparent or someone who may not be that but fulfills the role similarly. Kind of like the friends of the family that are considered aunt’s or uncles kind of thing. But because of their own losses they have imprinted a sense of hardship upon you that is only yours because your willing to accept this, as again a fear of letting go means that maybe they could be forgotten or maybe it’s a fear that almost like “how can I be happy if I know they can’t be happy in my present life” because that is the thing here there is much greater fears in the control and fear of lack of control.

Reply to: Arianna
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