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Forums Forums Mediums Does anyone know where our conscience goes when we sleep?

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    This question has been bothering me for a while, and my meditations aren’t giving me a satisfied answer. My guides refuse to answer that curiosity question.

    If I am my conscience, why do I lose it when I’m sleeping? Where does it go to?

    Some may say they return to the source to recharge, but then why don’t I go to since this is what I am? Some may say that I do go, but I just can’t bring that memory to the body. It’s like my memory gets wiped clean when I return and all I have left is the memories of the dream that my body had while I was gone. Sometimes the dream does get influenced by the experiences that my spirit had on his way to recharge. Would that be the case? It’s still sound a bit strange to me that all I remember is the memories of the vehicle that isn’t me. This makes even harder to believe when I lose conscience in the middle of an OBE while talking to guides. Where did it go to?

    Others may say that we don’t lose conscience, but it simply changes to something we consider an unconscious. That sounds like a weird answer to me because conscience is the ability of making choices and I’m a total zombie in my dreams (when I’m not lucid dreaming).

    Others (more align with our current Science) may say that the conscience we have is a product of our brain’s intellectual power, so when that gets shut down at night, we lose it (unless it’s a lucid dream that it gets back up). And even when we are having OBEs, we are still using that brain’s power to mirror the experience intellectually (or we wouldn’t remember when coming back). I’m not sure I buy that because there are cases of near-death experiences that it seems the person was brain-dead, and when revived it still remembered the experience.

    What it seems more plausible to me is that I’m not necessarily my conscience, but the soul in the body, and that soul may or may not have a conscience. Perhaps the conscience is the flow of mental energy passing through, so when the flow is weak, we are more unconscious. That would explain why beings of light are always conscious and why spirits in the lower realms are basically unconscious. It’s easy to get trapped in the shadow realms because we get unconscious there, so we get trapped by our nightmares and forget that we can leave at anytime. Wouldn’t that be because the flow of energy got weaker in the shadows? Our low-vibration emotions also make us unconscious, which is correlated to us losing energy. It’s a lot easier to get conscious when the energy of guides are passing through me, so I’m really suspecting conscience is just the electricity making our lamp shine, but we are the lamp and not the electricity. That theory would also explain why shadow realm creatures are seen as empty shells (like a lamp without electricity). The only problem of that is that it goes against the belief that we are our conscience.

    Does anyone in here has a light to shine on that question? Why do we lose our conscience when we fall asleep? Are we our conscience or not?

  • Does anyone know where our conscience goes when we sleep?

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • SpiritedPlaces

    November 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    I don’t think we lose it, it goes to deeper levels of SUB-conscious. It’s just a different type of conscious. If we were at waking level consciousness 24/7 the brain would never be able to rest, process and integrate everything we experience during waking time.

  • tangiblelemon

    November 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    I recently spent time studying neurological functioning and cognitive processing of the brain. I’d say the conscious mind goes to sleep when we are sleeping because our consciousness is our brain. In addition to the necessary neurological activity of the brain (and body) that allows us to function in the physical plane such as storing memories (needed to function in this world), our brains are also antennae. That’s how we sense ‘those things’ outside of our brain, ‘those things’ being energy or spirit related. It’s the clairs that read the energy and are our antennae.

    Everything is energy including us but there is a layer of separation between this world and the divine. With our brains, nervous system, and body we are only able to perceive the physical world, so it seems to me that it is the brain and body that separates us from the divine. The layer of separation is needed for us to experience what we’re meant to experience here that’s why we’re in bodies.

    Gratefully, we still have access to the divine even while in our bodies and I do believe we are accessing this all the time, these experiences just don’t always make it to that physiological part of our brain responsible for storing memory (as you noted). I think if we want to get our OBE’s into our memory we have to use the antenna part of our brain during that time and process those experiences. I wonder if it would help to make requests or set intentions to remember that information before going into the various OBE states in order to remember those experiences. I believe this can be done without our real knowing or awareness. Whether it’s our guides, higher self, spirit, the divine answering, I believe this part of our physical selves or brain processes can be impressed on if we ask and are persistent.

  • steve-laughter

    November 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    The mumbo jumbo answer is that when we sleep, our primary senses are suppressed and our astral senses emerge allowing us to perceive the astral realm. We don’t “go” anywhere.

    The scientific answer is beyond me, but suffice it to say that sixty five million years of evolution has created an amazingly powerful mechanism that is the human brain. One which does not exist in a vacuum and requires other humans in order to form consciousness.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm

    I think you mean **consciousness**, ” sentience or awareness of internal and external existence”, and not **conscience**, “a cognitive process that elicits emotion and rational associations based on an individual’s moral philosophy or value system.”


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