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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Doing witchcraft for the unmotivated/low-energy witch

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    How do you guys make yourself perform acts of witchcraft, like spells and divination? Currently writing this from my bed haha. I struggle a lot with ADHD and depression. So I don’t really engage as much in my craft as I want to.

    Edit: thank you all for your suggestions! It is very much appreciated and is uplifting

  • Doing witchcraft for the unmotivated/low-energy witch

  • suecov

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    I decorating my bos’s I feel this helps me !

  • pepperpans

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    ADHD and chronic migraine sufferer— there’s days where I have so much energy and days when I can’t move. Those are days where prayer is the only thing I can manage so I try to spend any energy I have talking to my deities. I also made a big rice bag for over my eyes that I sewed protection and healing sigils into so I’m not left as weak as I feel. I think of it as my shield.

    Also, you’re gonna miss some stuff and that’s okay. You don’t have to do something every day if you just can’t. It doesn’t make you a bad witch. Your practice doesn’t have to be like anyone else’s and it doesn’t have to be on the same timetable.

  • Mildly_irritated_cow

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    Oh good question, with a lot of good company here my only addition to some great responses would be to ask yourself “what are your goals?” Believe me anytime someone asks me this question I cringe and hate it because ADHD, anxiety, depression make me stop in my tracks and say to myself….. “I dunno” and occasionally (ok usually) panic.

    That being said you don’t need to put your 5 year plan out there, just think of little goals like you would like to have a good day? Would you like to meet a new friend? Would you like to brighten someone else’s day? Would you like the energy to just get up and make a sandwich? Having goals is usually what can cause a bit of a rut where you want to practice, but don’t really know where to focus.

    Here are a few things I like to do if I feel the “witch itch” but don’t have precise goals.

    1. Practice gratefulness: just sit there and meditate or just “think” and focus on what you have and be thankful for it (thank a diety, the universe, your higher self, whatever floats your boat). You can write it down in a journal if you want, or just put the thoughts or intentions out there that you appreciate what you have.
    2. Put your intention in your morning drink. Whether you prefer tea, coffee, water, juice, or just the milk you pour on your cereal just sit there a moment with your drink and focus your intention for the day. Make a little ceremony out of it if that’s more helpful to focus intent. I like to add a little charm for positivity to get me through the morning since I’m definitely not a morning person. Other things you can do is put a custom herbal tea blend together to help aid your physical and mental issues (if it’s cool with your doctor definitely check if there’s any potential interactions with meds you might be taking… seriously don’t take mixing herbal teas and prescriptions lightly take care of yourself.)
    3. Sometimes a little altruism is nice. Maybe focus your intention and spells towards healing others (with permission).
    4. Practice self care. Take a cleansing bath and put a charm or spell into your bathwater. Calming, purification, confidence, protection – whatever you feel you need.
    5. Cleanse your living space. In the same manner see if you can remove blockages that might be affecting you.
    6. Practice meditation or mindfulness to help clear your mind. This helps with focusing intention, divination, but also help learn to deal with anxiety/ depression/ adhd.
    7. If you just want to practice for fun, explore the craft see what you enjoy there are so many directions it’s overwhelming. Just remember books are great but you have to find what works best for you. Understand you don’t have to be doing big things every day, but stir up a tea, pull tarot, or work on healing and get the itch out. Once you focus your goals and find a better direction to what you enjoy practicing, things really do have a way of becoming second nature. Don’t worry if you hit a rut, use that time for self-healing.

  • Mysterious_Night_817

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    I have depression and recently I’ve been going outside every morning and I’ll sit in the sun to do some divination. The sun makes me feel a little better and I’ve gotten better at tarot while doing it.

  • mybelovedchaos

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am


  • FlamingSongWitch

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    I actually made a video about this if you’re interested.

  • Borrowed_nebula

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    I struggle with this also. In more than one aspect of my life. I am someone who believes in the idea of sacrifice/offering -and people often forget that sacrifice can mean.

    One way to define ‘Sacrifice’ is giving something up that you would normally consume, in tribute to someone/something else. Sometimes in exchange for something.

    So, by that logic, one can sacrifice time and comfort as part of their practice. Make getting up out of bed PART of the ritual. Use it to drive your intent, be aware of the fact that just choosing to spend your time on witchcraft is inherently magical in itself.

    This is how I am able to bring myself into my practice times, especially when I’m feeling particularly low. Usually at the end of it, I can feel a charge and it helps me sling back into the momentum of a regular routine.

    This is obviously just my personal perspective, and it’s not part of any formal organized practice. But consider it, see if the idea speaks to you

  • tianas_knife

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    Adding to all the comments that magick is everywhere and ritual can be anything.

    I make myself practice divination because i got a job as a tarot reader. I don’t make myself practice witchcraft, but i practice it on the spot when i think about it, either by communing with what’s immediately around me (birds, rocks, cats, trees, whatev.) Or doing a quick spell right then. You keep your magick strong by practicing, so practice responding to meds with magick as it comes up.

  • Dramatic_Captain_268

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    I try make sure I also try to practice one meditation a day

  • holybatjunk

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    ADHD here and for me it’s remembering that perfect is the enemy of done. Elaborate ritual is not what I’m about. Throw cards in a spread of 3 and no more. Do some sigils. Collapse things into other things, by which I mean–there’s stuff you HAVE to do anyway, so make it witchcraft. For a lot of people this is about cooking, but it doesn’t have to be from scratch to be a working.

    And again. Sigils and sigils and sigils. Use the online sigil generator on hard days or just because.

  • Miraj2528

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    I don’t make myself. I call back my energy. I make sure to specify the call-back from all people, places and things I’ve encountered. Also, from all timelines universes and dementions. I state that I attract the positive and reject the negative (energies). That the energies being called back are cleansed and purified through a veil of white light. Sometimes, I add an additional color too i.e. blue to calm.

  • Violet001

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am

    My spellwork mostly consists of singing, actually. I sing and dance and gather energy around me, and then visualize and sing where it goes. I’m a pretty low energy person generally, prefer my bed or couch over much else, but that’s what always gets me going. It does take a load of energy sometimes though depending on the spell. One of these days I’ll get better at writing it all down, ADD makes me do things more on impulse rather than planning and figuring it out like normal. Let the urge come to you.

  • basieeeeee

    August 20, 2021 at 11:44 am


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