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Forums Forums Psychic Down the Rabbit Hole: Exploring the Unconscious State known as Mindfulness

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    Eureka! A Greek word meaning “I found it!” describes a sudden moment of absolute clarity. An instant answer to a previously pondered problem, a creative inspiration, or a well worded Google search screaming with synchronicity and leading you to your next key… This is called intuition, it is more “realized” then predictive or felt through the five senses like clairvoyance. You know that time you forgot a word or someone’s name? It is on the tip on your tongue, you can taste it, feel its essence, you just can’t remember it! Intuition is the opposite of that suppressive forgetful feeling. Intuition is an Aha! Then a wonderful Rock star feeling flowing throughout your body. (I am personally more of a dancing, rubbing it your face, to any innocent bi standard who happens to be near me in the moment…) Intuition is how Einstein discovered relativity!

    You have intuition! It has been blabbing away the whole time between thoughts, feelings, and that time you followed your boyfriend for an hour because he had a girl in the car, then when she left rolled up on him and freaked out, showing him a picture of him with the girl on your phone…actions. (True story, Sorry Lexus… don’t worry “the girl” was just a friend.) In psychology intuition is called your conscience (not to be confused with conscious or consciousness as in – when she fell down and hit her head the woman lost consciousness: To be aware and awake. Your conscience is a little voice in your heart that guides you in to doing right, while attempting to prevent you from doing wrong. A little voice that says, you know your mother would not approve of you street-racing-stalking your boyfriend (He drives fast). Once you can communicate with your conscience clearly through telepathy or empathy it becomes intuition, a clearer channel to play telephone with, and an accessible source of inspiration.

    To activate your intuition you must learn to alter your mind at will into a state of mindfulness. Mindfulness is experiencing without the distraction of thoughts, feelings, actions, or the sensation of the five senses. An unconscious (Eyes closed day dreaming) unawareness of the the physical body and your environment. The purpose of mindfulness in psychic development is to master the art of visualization used in pretty much every metaphysical subcategory of practice from manifesting, magic to meditation sound mantra’s. It is here in the unconscious where the mind stresses, and body dwells, releasing thought and feelings through colorful imagery just behind the eye lids. It is in this mindfulness mind state where we learn to paint future intention and learn to receive pictures of predictions with clear seeing clairvoyance later in your development. It is here your psychic adventure begins…welcome to Wonderland!

    **Meditation: Accessing Wonderland**

    * Sitting cross legged on a pillow under your tail bone and allowing the triangle of your knees to hang downward off the seat pillow.
    * Stretch your arms in front of you long crawling with your figure tips to increase your distance, flatten your back and put your head in-front of you on the floor between your extended arms. (Child’s pose) Breathe here (balloon bellies) for five breaths. Then return to seated position.
    * Now extend your arms straight up in the air stretching out your entire back. Up, up up, and breathe here for five belly breaths. Lower your arms and return to seated cross-leg meditation position.
    * Go in to your unconscious state of mind by closing your eyes.
    * Now start to create heat within your physical body by inhaling and exhaling through your nose with hard forces of air. You want to suppress your throat like when someone snores or it is sore. Keep your breaths nice and slow, counts of 5 at a minim. If your breathe is to short you are going to get dizzy. Breathe hard breaths from your chest, you will know you are breathing properly because there will be heat not cold air coming from your nose.
    * While you are breathing nice and slowly building heat within you, I want you to start to visualize a flame in your heart. As your body becomes warmer increase the flame in to a fire roaring stronger and building more energy with each full slow breath.
    * When your fire is strong I want you to picture a candle wick the length of your spine and coming just out the top of your head. Sway and position your body until your spine is straight and aligned with the entire length of the wick positioning. Make your fire the center the remaining wick hanging loosely beneath the flames but not burning.
    * Now place your hands in prayer at your heart level and warm them on the fire. Once you feel the heat on your palms begin slowly rubbing your hands together, increasing speed to create to create a ball of energy. Within the ball picture the energy swirling and whirling in to a strong warm wind. Contain the wind within the balls as rages to be set free. Now on the count of three we are going to release the wind by pressing your palms to your heart, causing the fire to catch and climb to the top of the wick.
    * Ready? Breath in… now breathe out with force through your mouth, pressing your palms to your chest. Watch your wick catch with flame in a burst of light. Push the flame up, up, up to the very top of your head and let the flame mellow, and stabilize like a long burning scented candle.
    * Take a moment to sit and experience this state of void for a few moments then open your eyes.

    This is mindfulness: Observing without thought, feelings, actions or sense sensation.

    **Workbook: A log book or diary of your experiences during your time in Wonderland!**

    1. Were you able to achieve the state of mindfulness. Where did you have problems? Ex: Images kept distracting me. Unable to visualize.

    2. At any point did the visualizing begin to play out automatically like a cartoon or movie without promoting?

    3. Did you receive any messages during your mindfulness session?

    4. How long did you maintain a state of mindfulness before open your eyes?

    5. How do you feel after now awake?

    Take advantage of this state of mind by doing 10 Minutes of free flow writing, just letting your fingers type away without thought, planning, or stopping to reread a previous sentence.



  • Down the Rabbit Hole: Exploring the Unconscious State known as Mindfulness

     SuperfriendsK updated 9 months, 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Dazzling-Dare3441

    July 24, 2023 at 7:59 pm

    Can’t wait to read it

  • SwedenamedObi

    July 24, 2023 at 7:59 pm

    The part you mentioned where can we can communicate with out conscience through empathy & telepathy was very times it feels odd when I do it. The voice, It’s me..but also not me.

    I’m able to have extended conversations with my conscience, when I feel confused or going through some kind of emotion alone, the voice is always very clear. It’s like a guiding light through a dark tunnel. Subtle, but it’s there. In meditation is where I can hear it the loudest, as if it were a person sitting right next to me. It also never gives up on you, always there to help if you’re willing to listen.

    The part on visualization was also interesting! As a kid I was always a day-dreamer as my teacher liked to call me out on it during lessons haha. I still am a daydreamer, for example: if I open my palm, I can imagine a ball of white light assembling, I can feel the heat that it radiates, the light it gives to a dark room.

    Its odd but its real, in its own way.


    Thank you for taking the time to make this post, have my upvote 🙂

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