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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Dream Interpretation: Deity Edition

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    I’ve been feeling a pull towards deity work, so a week ago I did a spell with the intention of receiving signs in a dream. The dream I had that night just seemed like one of my usual nonsensical dreams so I thought it hadn’t worked. It, of course, has been stuck in my head since and I’ve been doing quite a lot of thinking about it. Maybe you guys can help me figure out what I’m missing.

    In the dream I remember standing in the shade next to a black SUV on a beach, but I don’t remember there being water, just sand. I was standing with a very beautiful woman with dark skin and short black hair. I don’t remember if we talked at all, I think I might have been the only one talking. Then there was meat??? On the ground. Specifically it looked like raw bratwurst or sausages of some kind. I remember trying to bury them in the sand for some reason. Then I remember her getting my attention and pointing towards a gorgeous man with light skin and blond hair jogging in our direction (from quite a ways off) talking to a friend. I remember being in awe of how attractive he was and her smiling at me because of it. I don’t remember what anyone on this beach looked like besides these two. I’m also still not sure if the black vehicle has any significance.

    I think the reason I didn’t think the spell worked was my own stubbornness. I didn’t get the answer I was hoping for so I missed that it had been an answer at all. I’m nearly certain now that the blond man in my dream was Apollo, especially since he came up in a tarot reading I felt pulled to do today (ironically with a tarot deck full of crows). I still can’t figure out who the dark skinned woman is though. Now that I’ve come to the conclusion that the blond man was Apollo, I’m nearly certain the beach setting was to represent his association with the sun. So I’m wondering if the woman is Artemis and her appearance was supposed to represent her being the opposite of Apollo as a moon goddess? Maybe the black vehicle and the shade was meant to represent the night? It would also make the random meat on the ground actually make sense as well since it’s common to give Artemis offerings of meat.

    What do you guys think? Am I reading too much into a bizarre dream? Is the woman Artemis or do you think it could be somebody else?

  • Dream Interpretation: Deity Edition

  • cekcilik

    May 15, 2022 at 5:07 am

    I wouldn’t say you’re reading too much into anything. It is definitely easy to think that way when you’re getting into deity work. You just can’t seem to be sure if it’s actually something meaningful even if you feel like it is.

    My advice, relax. Try not to dabble too much on if what you felt or saw had any significance. If you believe it did and felt like it did, then it did have meaning. Like I said it is hard to tell the difference at first but with time, as you get used to the way your deities send you signs and have a sense of what they feel like you will have an easier time deciding if something was a coincidence or was actually put on your path.

    For the dream, that definitely sounds like Apollo and Artemis. Though I’m not so sure on Artemis since she can be anyone from one of your spirit guides to a different deity. Sounds like she has a connection to the dark and appeared to guide you, that definitely sounds a lot like one of the goddesses associated with the moon. Tho at the end of the day, what YOU felt and who YOU thought she was is what matters.

    If you feel like Apollo is calling to you try to move towards him a bit. Read up on him, maybe light a candle or pray to him. Pay attention to how these make you feel and if you have the desire to keep working towards him. Maybe he will help you get there, you’ll have to see.

    Generally in my experience if I feel a gravitation towards a deity I just start reading up one them and if it clicks, it clicks.

    Pay attention to your surroundings but try not to obsess over them too much. Look, see how it makes you feel, then move forward. If a deity is calling to you, in this case Apollo, he would send signs in ways you can see them and fits your understanding most.

    Good luck!

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  • Gildedragon

    May 15, 2022 at 5:07 am

    It was just a dream.

    If the gods want contact with you they’ll send you the dreams & they will be unsubtle about it & they will be hard to deny. There will be no space for stubbornness

    The reason to try & pull the gods into one’s dreams is because one has a NEED (not want) for an answer that only a god can provide. The need for this answer sharpens & clarifies the dreams to allow for their interpretation. If you do not have this burning question, even if you make contact the dream will be nonsense

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