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    Hello! As the dream I had has a Tarot card and a Tarot deck on it, I figured it would be better to ask for help in a Tarot community. Is it alright?

    I dreamed with a friend of many, many years that I’ve been feeling distant without a clear motive. In the dream we were talking and finally I said everything I’m feeling about it. Said I was very sad and upset to see that she was ignoring me while talking to her other friends normally and she seemed like reacting with sadness to what I was saying. She denied being distant the way I was thinking. In a certaint moment the card The Tower appeared (RWS deck, I don’t remember the exact context) like an explanation for her being the way she was and I felt like “oh, that’s why”, then she started to show me that she was acting that way with other people too. She showed me conversations where she answered little, necessary stuff. All the time she had a sad aspect. Sad with me, sad with everything.A happy, older woman that we knew (I actually don’t know her) came to talk to us and gave something really good to my friend, like an English course or something of the same value. I feel like during the conversation we were at this woman house, went outside then came back inside at this moment. There were two people and while they and the woman intereacted with each other, my friend was in the corner of the room alone. I was happy with the gift my friend received from this woman, but the woman treated me with hostility all the time because of the conversation I had with my friend. I started to fiddling my belongings that were in a little suitcase and found a Tarot deck in a little pocket inside this suitcase. I reacted with surprise and, excited, showed the cards to the woman. It was a different, unusual deck, the cards had illustrations. Purple was the predominant color and there was a logo at the bottom. She still treated me with coldness and hostility. I started to feel bad with everything, until someone appeared to tell me my mom was outside looking for me alongside a DJ, “child” seemed to be part of his name. I got super excited and walked to the door. Looking outside I saw him; he had the size of a little kid (small like a dwarf, but idk if this is the correct word to refer to a small man), with a serious look, using a mask that had the word “child” wrote on it. I went to talk to my mom and this is what I remember.

    Can someone help me to interpretate this dream? I really do feel that she’s not the same with me for a few months. We used to talk everyday, now she tends to not reply me, while with other (new) friends she seems to talk fine. I had other dreams I’ve often related to her for some reason, but always choose to let it slide because she wasn’t in it and our friendship was fine but this time she was in it, so I guess I should pay attention.

    I can’t say how exactly the meaning of The Tower card could fit in my dream, but from what I know this card is about things, events, truths you can’t avoid or escape. It is a painful change that’ll bring transformation of some kind. But is it really about her? Or a warning to me? Or, even, about our friendship that is changing, inevitably.

    PS: while creating this account, Reddit suggested the nickname “Timely-Tower-2508”. Odd, isn’t it?

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