Hi everyone.
I don’t usually dream of my family, infact it has been many years since I have, and I don’t remember it.
Last night I dreamed of my Grandfather sitting down, head bowed and he wasn’t talking. Face sort of red in colour, looking toward his fidgeting hand and fingers beside him.
Meanwhile, my Grandmother was out of sorts and was distressed. The focal point was on her, but I truly think this was about my Grandad.
What I took away from this dream, and how it made me feel, was that my Grandad felt like he couldn’t change what was happening, was helpless, he had succumbed to something, was defeated.
Meanwhile my Grandma was in total disconnect with “reality”, was somewhere else nearby and in a major emotional state which is very unlike her.This dream made me feel uneasy as I believe these occurences hold warning and meaning, so I was pondering on it throughout the day.
Tonight I get a call from my Mother, that my Grandad is having severe cardiovascular issues and he took himself to the doctor. They ushered him to get some bloods and an ECG, and when the results came back they said he needed to go to the hospital immediately. They have suspected that he had a small heart attack but he needs thorough testing.
So now, he is in hospital and I guess we just wait until the testing is done and the news comes back.
My Grandparents have been married for over 50 years. Fingers crossed he recovers.