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Forums Forums Mediums Dreaming of “Wrong” Persons — any guesses why?

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    Another random question. My soulmate, love of my life passed a month ago. I'm seeing some irrefutable signs he's with me. Songs, this crazy squirrel who comes to my glass door at the same time to say good morning who was never there before, dimes, light bulbs dying.
    But never in a dream. I meditate every night and ask him every night to visit me in a dream. One night as I was drifting off, I very audibly and clearly hears him say outloud the word "phone", but nothing was there.
    HOWEVER…. no dreams from him. But the weird thing is the last three or four nights, I HAVE been having clear dreams of OTHER people in my life who have passed well before him. (my "work wife" coworker/friend, my dad and stepmom)… but not him, the one I'm asking to visit.
    I'm trying to figure this out. Is it just a weird coincidence (I'm beginning to thing nothing is coincidence), or are they helping to "open a path" for a newer spirit, or do I just have a ton of unresolved subconscious issues with everyone, lol?

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