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    So many great quotes, signs, slogans and banners we couldn’t pick just one so are just going to update the board every few days through the election, did I mention we live in a 55+ community. We believe in being ever so helpful 😅🤣😂

  • Dry erase boards against the patriarchy

  • Miss_My_Travel

    August 14, 2022 at 4:06 pm

    My god is better than your god.

    Oh yeah? Well, take that!

  • jacxy

    August 14, 2022 at 4:06 pm

    I think “it’s violence” is a bit darker than the original quote intended.

    “The quality of it is violence”

  • Y0urBiFriend

    August 14, 2022 at 4:06 pm

    It’s absolutely true, though. I’m sure the world would be a much different place if the crusades hadn’t happened. Not that that was the only violent Christian event, but it’s what spread it so far and wide.

    I really wonder what it would be like if it really hadn’t happened.

  • Haunting_Ad4209

    August 14, 2022 at 4:06 pm

    Yikes. That’s a truth, though!

  • Snushine

    August 14, 2022 at 4:06 pm


  • oakashyew

    August 14, 2022 at 4:06 pm

    I am sitting back watching all this hate towards Christianity and just having a shake of my head.

    For the last 15 years or so Goddess worship has risen and circled the globe. Not just one Goddess, not two, not three…but many. From Death Goddess to Life Goddess.

    And slowly more and more people are leaving organized religion.

    Then Neo-Nazi’s and Christianfacists are trying to stop human rights in America.

    Then the church complains they are losing followers.

    Then the followers are saying no we just don’t like your brand of religion.

    Slowly more people are leaving more varied religions. And they are embracing the idea of saving the earth, being better neighbors, and leaving all the baggage from Christianity behind them. Along with the dogma of there chosen religion.

    And the whole time, I think the GODDESS is watching from the way back. Watching, waiting, recruiting, helping, supporting, loving us in her quiet soft way. She is reaching out to her children and pushing them in the direction they need to go in, leading them with a whisper.

    We all have work to do to save this world. Ending the archaic, outdated Christian world will be the blow that will free humanity.

    I think the future is once this whole tower time ends will be beautiful.

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