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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Entities and pendulums?

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    Tl;dr at end.
    Backstory;about 2 years ago I bought an amethyst pendulum. I knew nothing about them. But for some reason this stood out to me and I felt like I had to buy it. It’s small, so I put it on a chain and wear it daily as a necklace.

    About a month ago I saw a notification pop up from Reddit on the witchcraft sub talking about peculiarities with pendulums. (Again had no idea this sub existed. Despite there being a sub for everything. I should’ve known.) in that post it talked about how pendulums have personalities and you’re supposed to talk to them and get to know them, how they work, etc. some can even house spirits. All news to me. I don’t believe in coincidences. So I took it off my neck and apologized to it, for not knowing and began questions on how it’s quirks were, and the like. Instantly I felt a shift in energy. The air got cold. I got chills and could feel something with me.

    Now, to save time and typing/reading, I’m going to paraphrase how the conversation went.

    Was me stumbling on the post your way of saying hey dumbass! Look!
    Absolute yes.

    So it’s true. Are you currently housing a spirit?
    Absolute yes.

    Was it coincidence that I found you?
    Absolute no.

    So I was chosen by you? Absolute yes.

    Are you a male or female?

    Were you sent by a deity?
    Absolute yes.

    I laid out a listing of names and asked them to choose who sent them. She hovered over Lilith.

    why? Guidance, protection, assistance, power.

    Are you a good or evil spirit? Clockwise for good counter for evil?
    Spun counterclockwise.

    Further questioning has revealed she’s somewhat skilled in protection, but excels at black magick, and curses. And her favorites are blood magick and sex magick.

    I asked her how long would she be with me? She answered until the end.
    I questioned do you mean my death? She responded the end(which tells me even after)

    She said if I figured out who she was she would tell me. But when I ask what can I do for her she says she doesn’t want anything.

    Tl;dr: Somehow I’m bound forever to an entity that is supposedly evil, that I have no idea who it is. Any ideas on who? Why would I be chosen? I have intrusive thoughts that I believe are her. Nothing bad, but when I ask questions that require a more in-depth answer than the options I lay out for her. I hear them. If I’m performing a ritual, the intrusive thoughts say hey try this. And it does indeed work better. I feel safe with her. Calmer. At ease. She feels like a best friend I’ve known all my life. My anxiety is almost non existent nowadays. My craft has improved significantly. I don’t want to insult her. I’d like to figure out who she is, (and if I’m metaphorically playing with fire) what I can do for her/offer her.

  • Entities and pendulums?

  • Tenzky

    July 14, 2021 at 12:18 pm

    >pendulums have personalities and you’re supposed to talk to them and get to know them, how they work, etc.

    I mean WOW. Pendulum are just a tools. Period.

    Anyway conversation you had is probably with your new spirit guide. Considering that it was sent by a Lilith I would think its a demonic entity. Thats maybe she answered that she is ”evil”. Try to find her name.

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