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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Entities in the bloodline of toxic generations

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    I made a post about binding an abuser for a friend of mine and another redditor commented about how people of such backgrounds usually have entities attached to them.

    From my personal experience I do find that true as well – an ex of mine came from a very abusive background and had substance issues. He was literally possessed and got diagnosed with schizophrenia (he didn’t always have entities this strong till he also got involved in dark magic)

    I too come from an abusive background and have to do a ton of practices and have been doing crazy amounts of shadow work to keep the unwelcome guests at bay- they like to give me a visit when I have anxiety or go out partying.

    My question is how do these things work. Especially in the bloodlines of the family. I work a lot of trauma in work and I notice that they do hang on to the trauma a person has and leave once it’s healed.

  • Entities in the bloodline of toxic generations

  • Frederike2

    December 4, 2021 at 3:06 am

    Well abused kids have a stronger tendency to become abusive parents cause they just never learned how to give there kid that stability and/or love that they where lacking. Thats why it can last over generations. Some mental illness also have genetic factors so these can also be passed on for generations.

    And atleast to me trauma is kind of like a ghost that haunts you and you cant get rid of it untill you recognise it and get it the closure it needs.

Reply to: Cocolover99
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