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Forums Forums Psychic Every twin flame/your person reading I get describes me perfectly, not another person. What does it mean?

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    Edit: Or next relationship reading* or reading about what someone experienced when you were together. Mostly those not tf.

    This is getting frustrating. When I pictured or focused on a specific past relationship, stuff was accurate about that.

    But as soon as I got over it, every reading was perfect- except they describe me perfectly, not a potential partner unless my twin flame or next relationship is a clone, down to clothing, weird quirks, history, imagery, family, unique stuff that you wouldn’t guess or line up with easily, especially not consistently.

    And for all of my self love journey, which has been huge and incredible, I also learn a lot from interpersonal and romantic relationships so would really like to try and have a shot at something real.

    Any advice? What could it mean?

  • Every twin flame/your person reading I get describes me perfectly, not another person. What does it mean?

     GoodArtichoke1559 updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • Voodooyogurtcustard

    January 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Maybe this is telling you the person you need to focus on being in a relationship with, and loving, is you.

    The best partners come into our lives when we’re ready for them. That means being happy and loving the person we are. We don’t need anyone else to complete us, our other half is ourselves. When we take responsibility for our own happiness in life, without wanting a partner to ‘complete us’, that’s when these partners tend to come in, when we accept we’re complete as we are, and don’t need anyone else to be happy. A partner is the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

    As far as twin flames go, not everyone believes in the concept, and there isn’t just one person with the potential to be ‘your person’. You grow, you change, and as you do your wants change too. The ideal partner at 18 may not be ideal at 30 depending on your life change and growth. Don’t stress about it. Just live and enjoy your life. Do what makes you happy, go where you want to go, enjoy the things that bring your heart cheer, and the right person will find you when you’re ready.

  • wunkyzunky69420111

    January 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Not everyone has a twin flame. And if you’re actively seeking one, you’re not gonna find them. Let the universe guide you to the right person, it’ll happen in time

  • TamarsFace

    January 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Best advice is to stop the twin flame readings and stop seeking anything outside of yourself. Focus on being the best version of YOU and you’ll have no desire for anything outside of yourself.

  • zerousel

    January 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    If you are actively seeking your TF then you’re not yet ready for them in my personal opinion. Even as you’re describing it, you are on a journey of self-love and self-exploration, which is truly what the purpose of TFs is about anyway. Instead of constantly asking the universe to describe to you the person that’s coming next, just continue on the journey you’re on, and practice patience. If it’s a long term relationship you seek, they’ll be there soon. If you want to casually date, make that distinction clear to the universe.

  • FrostWinters

    January 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Tarot picks up the strongest energy. You might be reading yourself, if there’s no one in particular you’re focusing on.


  • Astrealism

    January 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    My TF was nothing like me in a conventional sense. I probably should have kept going with self love at that time in my life. I figured I was already healed from my intense Dreamwork I was doing and the first two OBE’s I believe we’re the signal of graduating to a new sense of self awareness.

    I was doing daily affirmations. And one morning I told the Universe I was ready to meet my soul mate.

    I meet this young woman, about 11 years younger than myself at a book store in Shreveport. She was all tatted up, dressed in black, with the whole Emo meets classical beauty look going on. .

    She asked me what I was looking for, and I tell her a dream book as mine were getting very intense and lucid. We strike up an interesting conversation until I mention my step dad. She tells me how much she hates hers. She was extremely intense and the hate in her heart took from interested in maybe pursuing something with an eccentric personality type, to almost revulsed. The way her face changed and the energy she emitted while expressing her hatred was a complete turn off. It felt totally left hand path and I am committed to right hand path and loving everyone since my oath to that effect when I was ordained.

    Out of nowhere she flips and tells me her mother is a dream therapist. And adds she is also clairvoyant and a medium. I had never heard of a “Dream Therapist”, but sure could use one at the time. The other two I had heard of but figured they were all charlatans. I was already a metaphysician, but seeing and talking to the dead seemed completely like a load of rubbish. Boy was I too smart. Lol. Not so much.

    She tells me to take her mom’s number. Her friends come bopping up into the store. She sees my eyes light up at the sight of her blond mopped, right hand path friend. She rushes them all off immediately and tells me to call her mom.

    I am leaving the mall where the bookstore is and a voice, in my head, says ‘You are going to get with her mom.”

    So an argument ensues. I tell the voice no way. The voice reasserts I will be getting with her mom. The more I argue with this “Voice” the more cocky and assertive it gets. It was starting to irritate the crap out of me by how adamant it was, nearly mocking me. How TF does a voice inside my head mock me. I finally gave up trying to win an argument with a voice in my head.

    Crazy right.

    After my first OBE, I tried to call her mom but she has pressing matters. After the second OBE, she agreed to have lunch. Second lunch was with her and her son who was also very intuitive. Two days later they come to my trailer and tell me to pack some things as I was moving in with them

    Long story short, she tells me we are TFs and we have been together many lifetimes going back centuries. She tells me of an event that occurred when I was in the Air Force and explains who the voice in my head is and how he saved me from acid burns. I embark on an Eleven Month relationship that I finally penned a couple of years ago but have yet to publish.

    I don’t know if I am sharing this for the warning that comes with it, or as an inspiration for you that your TF could be completely different than anything you imagined.

    When you meet your TF it will be the most honest relationship you will ever have. You cannot lie to your TF and get away with it. What draws you to them has very little to do with any expectations you have as to what they look like, their age, their political or religious affiliations. Anything. What it is, is so deep it is indescribable and unfathomable.

    Ultimately you want to ensure your unconditional love for self is fully in place, you lose all sense of expectation, and prepare for a thrill ride of crazy, psychic shit such as mind reading, and flashes of recognition of past connections which may blow your flipping mind.

    But like every rollercoaster ride, it has ups, downs, and is quite thrilling. But it doesn’t necessarily mean it will endure everything. Especially if your self love isn’t complete.

    Be love…

  • Skull-Kid93

    January 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    Twin flames never come when we want. They appear after certain conditions of our spiritual development are met. In other words, you don’t get to decide when/if you’ll meet your twin flame. All you can do is do your best as a person individually and hopefully you’ll be able to be with them someday.

    I have known my twin flame for more than 10 years and we have never been able to be together. She lives 850km away from me and lots of things happened that led us to different paths. We’ve talked about how much we mean to one another and how unfair it is that life has been this way, but it’s how things are. She’s married, now, and I have two kids that I can’t just leave behind. So we’ve become friends, which is the best we can hope for atm.

    Even so, I have been able to meet some wonderful people. I have been in love and have learned and grown a lot. Perhaps it wouldn’t have worked if we were able to be together before. We needed time to grow and meet other people.

    The twinflame thing is not a hollywood romance type stuff. It’s much deeper than that. We can’t choose how it’s going to happen.

    If someday it’s meant to be, I’ll be with her. But I’m grateful just because we’re there for one another in the way we can. So maybe you should just forget about this twinflames talk and move on. Let yourself grow on your own so that you can find the right person for you.

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