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    Hi guys, lately I’ve been really depressed about death and if there is an afterlife. I’ve been raised atheist and it never bothered me not being religious… However, in the recent years I started to be interested in spiritualism and all that… Now I consider myself agnostic. I just want to ask you guys how is it to have those ‘powers’ you claim to have? I’m so curious about all of it because I don’t have a 6th sense whatsoever… I don’t feel anything special and it drives me crazy not to know what to believe. I guess I just want some assurance and to know what you guys feel? I don’t want to sound like I’m doubting about this, I’m just lost… I’ll appreciate any kind replies

  • Existential crisis about afterlife

    Cloakbot updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • jjkbill

    February 10, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    Don’t stress about it… just be a good person and then whatever comes for you next will be fine.

  • [deleted]

    February 10, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    Firstly don’t apologise for doubting it, it’s natural to doubt it, firstly if you don’t experience it yourself and secondly… well read a few of the more eccentric posts and speak to certain members and you’ll see why I say it’s perfectly okay to be doubtful lol.

    Secondly I was the same as you, I was raised Christian, became agnostic and then started looking to science for answers. The idea of spirits etc etc became fantasy to me. I then started to see physics and mediums as tricksters and frauds, playing on people’s grief and pain for their own amusement and monetary gains.

    I kept being drawn back to spiritual pursuits, meditation, reiki, mediumship, I couldn’t get away and eventually endured a dark night of the soul/spiritual awakening kind of event.

    I then spent some time looking around, seeing what I liked etc etc and had a wonderful medium take me under her wing, she told me I had the same gift even though I’d never used it.

    I’ve had experiences and I can read people pretty well, I’ve spoken to spirit briefly and am having a weird time. It’s been fun to be honest, it’s a bit weird at times and it’s nothing like you’d think it is based in movies and media (for me anyway at the moment).

    I’m still not 100% I believe it, I’m at about 60%. I’ve seen things I shouldn’t see, and known things I shouldn’t know during practice but part of me still thinks I’m just naturally gifted at guessing stuff lol ????

    I’m sorry this is a long reply, but also I believe if you’re having this “calling” to spirituality, look into it. You may find it’s happening for a reason like me.

  • indie_era

    February 10, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    I believe we all have these intuitive abilities, it’s part of the human consciousness.
    Just go into a meditative state, doing something that calms your mind, whatever that is, drawing, writing, dancing—anything, and focus on the energy you are creating; we are co-creators of our realities, your thoughts, words, actions and reactions, create your experience. We are the energy that moves this vessel and that’s pretty magical.
    I totally understand, I always pushed religion away; but knew there was more—finding your relationship with spirit is personal, and you don’t have to apologize for anything, it’s your path. Source, God; to me is the loving force that drives us all individually, this force does not judge you, just aspires to grow, through you.

    Much love to you, may you find
    your path and live in peace ????

  • Cloakbot

    February 10, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    I was raised catholic, converted to Christianity upon moving. Have been baptized 4 times and it was only until after learning to meditate and Astral project did I come back with a much better understanding with the afterlife. I’m still learning and having to reevaluate some things but overall, learn meditation and practice it. Try to mold yourself to how you want to be by lifestyle practices to shape yourself to becoming a better person. Try to ignore the negative thoughts and dismiss them. Most of those negative thoughts are instilled onto you from negative outside sources. Forget petty politics and gossip. Buddhist and Hindu temples will be huge help in learning various meditation methods and techniques that’ll work for you. If you’re unsure now – learning the above will help you learn first hand with certainty of what’s out there. Don’t forget – most of the misinformation and uncertainty is given by social groups, media, and schools. Theres a lot more out there than what they want you to learn. Less individualism and freedom i suppose. Misery loves company and it’s a hard work in progress to cleanse yourself of it all pooled into you. Massages and Yoga is a great place to relieve some of that as well.

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